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3 Spoilers for Kelly Thompson & Hayden Sherman's Absolute Wonder Woman

Three Big Spoilers for Kelly Thompson and Hayden Sherman's Absolute Wonder Woman #1... you have been warned.

Article Summary

  • Discover Wonder Woman's new powers, combining grace, wisdom, and dark magic on the desolate XXXXX.
  • XXXX's decree bars anyone from saying XXXXX," revealing XXXX and XXXX's roles in her tragic exile.
  • XXXX takes on a surprising maternal role, raising Wonder Woman in isolation among visiting monsters.
  • Explore a reinvented Wonder Woman, stripped of paradise and sisterhood, in Kelly Thompson's bold new vision.

Two weeks ago, Bleeding Cool ran three spoilers for Absolute Batman #1 on the final day of its FOC orders. We ran three spoilers from that comic book, one of which in particular I am led to understand may have been responsible for a high five-figure bump on the comic book from readers and retailers. Can I do the same for Absolute Wonder Woman #1? Well, that I can't tell you. But I might be able to tell you three things that may reshape the way you perceive this book and may lead you to pick it up. None of them are final-page spoilers or anything like that.

But I think that this will be necessary.

3 Spoilers for Kelly Thompson & Hayden Sherman's Absolute Wonder Woman
Spoilers for Absolute Wonder Woman #1

1. Absolute Wonder Woman's powers

Her powers are described as "beauty, grace, compassion, kindness, wisdom and the ability to outrun a hellhound and conjure the darkest of magicks." She is less of a superhero and more of a super witch. As rather than paradise, she was raised on the desolate charred Isle Of Hell. And she is the last of the… Amazons.

2. Don't say that word

Sorry, sorry, yes, I was forgetting. No one says the word Amazon, by command of Apollo, who is behind the exiling of Wonder Woman as a baby on the Isle Of Hell. His father, Zeus, is behind the exiling of the Amazons, and Wonder Woman can never be reunited with them. So mote it be.

3. The Witch Woman

So who is it on Isle Of Hell who has been tasked with… not exactly looking after Wonder Woman… but at least having her in her presence? Why, it's Circe. From all accounts, Circe is the de facto mother of Absolute Wonder Woman, who raised her on the island, alone save for visiting monsters, after she was banished there for reasons unknown. This Wonder Woman is one who was raised by Circe and who may have a very different view of the world as a result. Circe, was based upon the Greek figure who imprisoned Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey, a sorceress and recurring adversary of Wonder Woman, since first appearing in 1949's Wonder Woman #37. And this new role just before the character takes a leading role in the upcoming Creature Commandoes.

Absolute Wonder Woman #1 is published by DC Comics on the 23rd of October, and goes to FOC today.

(W) Kelly Thompson (A/CA) Hayden Sherman
EISNER WINNER KELLY THOMPSON AND BREAKOUT ARTIST HAYDEN SHERMAN REINVENT WONDER WOMAN FROM THE GROUND UP! Without the island paradise…without the sisterhood that shaped her…without a mission of peace…what's left is the Absolute Amazon! Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 10/23/2024

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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