Posted in: Batman, Comics, Crisis, DC Comics, Doomsday Clock, Justice League, Superman | Tagged: Batman, damian wayne, dc comics, golden age, jon kent, multiversity, new golden age, superman
A Dark Crisis & New Golden Age of Sons and Daughters (DC Spoilers)
Today sees the publication of… plenty of DC Comics books. Including the likes of New Golden Age #1 and Dark Crisis #6. And amongst them all, themes seem to emerge. And a big one concerns parents and children, something that has risen to the fore as more of DC's mainstays have gotten married and had kids – and more characters have discovered hidden histories regarding their own parents. Today, however, there seems to be a bit of a focus.
So in Dark Crisis, Jon Kent, som of Kal-El and of Lois Lane, faces down his father's great nemesis, Doomsday. The creature who killed his dad for the first time…
Death didn't stop Superman, not then and not thirty years later.
With a combined response sealing the deal.
Whie a new version of Doomsday, Doombreaker, gets revised by Superman and a younger Jon Kent in The Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special. Back in the Super Sons era…
Talking of which, the other one of the Super Sons, Damian Wayne, has a different deal going on with his mother, over in Batman Vs Robin.
With Talia Ghul not having quite the reception that Superman gets from his son.
Talking of comfort…
In Multiversity: Teen Justice #6, even the parallel dimensional versions know that the parents keep coming back from the dead.
While in Superman: Son Of Kal-El #17, Clark Kent has the talk with his own father…
…about the one he needs to have with his son.
While in The New Golden Age it's all about the kids… with the suggestion that Bruce Wayne already lost Damian Wayne.
And makes the sacrifice to not lose his daughter, Helena Wayne.
No more Batman. Of Gotham, anyway. Jace Fox, the Batman of New York, also makes it to Dark Crisis, though his own title gives no indication as to how and why. Yet.
But he has a tribute to make to his own father while helping to save the day against Pariah.
Lucius Fox also played a father figure to Bruce Wayne, but there was always one bigger.
And, despite the death of Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne gets a chance to say goodbye in person.
Of course, in Batman Urban Tales, Bruce Wayne's parents are also travelling in time from the past to the present. Does kinda take the sting away…
(W) Various (A) Various (CA) Michael Cho
Written by Michael Cho, Anthony Falcone, Joey Esposito, Dennis Culver and Julio Antle Art by Michael Cho, Vasco Georgeiv, Hayden Sherman, and others This month's issue brings you the Dynamic Duo pushing the Batmobile to its absolute limits. The Murder Club has thrown Batman's life into chaos–how will Robin, Alfred and Nightwing keep him together? Arkham Academy opens its doors to its first-ever class of students related to Gotham's greatest villains–will they make the grade? And we see Renee Montoya's last days as a detective before she became Gotham City's newest commissioner.
Retail: $7.99 In-Store Date: 11/08/2022
(W) Mark Waid (A/CA) Mahmud Asrar
Batman has been on a breakneck journey throughout the DC Universe, from Wayne Manor to the House of Secrets and back again…but where there are clues there is a trail, and the world's greatest detective has followed this particular trail back to where he and Superman began this journey: Lazarus Island. With an entire island and army at Damian Wayne's disposal, does Batman stand a chance? We'll give you a hint: NO!
Retail: $5.99 In-Store Date: 11/08/2022
(W) Joshua Williamson (A/CA) Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Sanchez
War erupts as more heroes are taken at the hands of Pariah! The fate of the Multiverse depends on the young heroes of the DCU as they clash with Deathstroke and the Dark Army! Can the resurrected Justice League race home to Earth-Zero in time to join the fight…even if it could mean that not everyone gets to return?! And what dark powerhouse rises on the battlefield? Do not miss this incredible breakneck battle royale!
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 11/08/2022
(W) Various (A) Various (CA) Dan Mora
Written by DAN JURGENS, ROGER STERN, LOUISE SIMONSON, and JERRY ORDWAY. Art by DAN JURGENS, BRETT BREEDING, BUTCH GUICE, JON BOGDANOVE, TOM GRUMMETT, and more! 30 years ago, the unthinkable happened. The Man of Steel died. After sacrificing himself to stop the unstoppable global threat, Doomsday, Metropolis and the rest of the DC Universe mourned the loss of their greatest hero. To mark this monumental moment in comics, DC has reunited the complete creative team behind the original event for four brand-new stories. Led by Dan Jurgens and Brett Breeding, the special kicks off with a new Superman story and villain…DOOMBREAKER! Followed by a series of short stories revisiting some of Superman's greatest allies and exclusive pinups done by some of comics' greatest artistic talent including LEE WEEKS, GABRIEL RODRIGUEZ, BILL SIENKIEWICZ, and WALTER SIMONSON. • "The Life of Superman" by Dan Jurgens (W & A), Brett Breeding (A), Brad Anderson (C), and John Workman (L) – A young Jon Kent finds out in school that his dad had died years earlier, as his parents never told him about that fateful day. In the midst of dealing with this emotional news, Jon and Clark need to team up to fight a new villain connected to Doomsday called DOOMBREAKER. • "Standing Guard" by Roger Stern (W), Butch Guice (A), Glenn Whitmore (C), and Rob Leigh (L) – The epic battle between Superman and Doomsday from the Guardians' perspective. • "Time" by Louise Simonson (W), Jon Bogdanove (A), Glenn Whitmore (C), and Rob Leigh (L) – The story of how the death of Superman looked from John Henry Irons's perspective. • "Above and Beyond" by Jerry Ordway (W), Tom Grummett (P), Doug Hazelwood (I), Glenn Whitmore (C), and Rob Leigh (L) – A powerful story of Ma and Pa Kent watching their son fight Doomsday live on television and going through Clark's photo albums with the feeling that their son always prevails.
Retail: $10.99 In-Store Date: 11/08/2022
(W) Danny Lore, Ivan Cohen (A) Marco Failla (CA) Robbi Rodriguez
The epic miniseries reaches its unforgettable conclusion as a new hero makes their unexpected debut! The heroes of Teen Justice are still reeling from the loss they suffered last issue, but there's no time to mourn. Sinestra and the other members of the Core have a plan to use all humanity as fuel for their monstrous schemes, and only Kid Quick and the surviving members of their team stand in the way. In the end, everything may depend on the super-heroic debut of…well, that would be telling.
Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 11/08/2022
(W) Cian Tormey, Ruairí Coleman (A/CA) Travis Moore
KAL-EL RETURNS PART 4! Superman and son are reunited…so why doesn't it feel so good? Could it be because of the Lexcorp automatons threatening the safety of Metropolis? I've got a bad feeling about this…
Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 11/08/2022