Posted in: Avengers, Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: All-Out Avengers, avengers, derek landy, greg land, marvel, tom brevoort
A "Recognisable Marvel Entity" Is Behind All-Out Avengers
The new series All-Out Avengers by Derek Landy and Greg Land launches next week. Land and Landy, I know. In his most recent Forbidden Planet vlog guest spot, Marvel EVP Tom Brevoort talked to Andrew Sumner about what is behind the new action-packed series from Marvel Comics.
"Every issue starts in the middle of action and races to a climax like it's a very action-oriented series. There's not a lot of setup and the idea behind it came out of when I was a young comic book collector. I would get into a book, or I would find a character I liked, and I would randomly find back issues in second-hand stores or whatnot. And more often than not, you'd get the second part, the third part, or the last part of a continuing story. And you'd open the first page, and the first page would be Captain America being thrown into a volcano, and how he got there gets explained as you go, as he manages to flip and get himself out of the volcano and fight back against whatever thing he was in. But it meant that you were often… not quite wrong-footed, but you were coming in at the climax of the story, and that was always very exciting. And so the idea of doing a series that was set up to tell stories like that was sort of the impulse here. I feel Marvel comics have developed our style over the years and storytelling has changed to match the tastes of an evolving audience um I feel like every once in a while, "man, there's not enough action, it's not as much action as there used to be"… so this is really an attempt to remedy that. Here's a book that is designed from page one in every issue, you're in the middle of stuff, and you'll pick up how you got there and you know the biggest craziest things we can do and just go."
But what was that thing that makes up the headline of this article?
"There is an overarching storyline, an overarching mystery that Derek has set up… there's no boring bits, like, it's a comic where nobody stands around talking about things. There are no coffee room scenes in All-Out Avengers, those all happen in the issue before this one that you're reading, and you'll never see it. We have a weird Doctor Doom story in issue two; we have a very bizarre Red Skull story in issue three, so we're using big iconic marvel villains and Marvel characters, there are a couple of new things as well. The thing that's behind it is a very recognizable Marvel entity or force, but I don't want to say too much about that and spoil things ahead of time."
Is it Mephisto, Tom Brevoort, is it? Is it?
"It's just really a big exciting thrill ride but one that has hopefully more substance to it as you go along, than it might seem after an issue or two. I could see this idea wearing itself out, and you go, well, why do I need a third one of those, I've just had two. It's gonna be the same thing, it's all downhill, there's no uphill but there is this larger concept and mystery that Derek has crafted does actually reward you as we peel back the onion further and further in each successive issue and you begin to get a greater awareness of what is actually going on and what the stakes are and so forth."
And who else is in it?
"We also bring in characters as we feel like it, so Spider-Woman is in issue one and Blade is in issue one, and Hawkeye's in four along with with some other characters, and we mix and match as we go. Spider-Man's a big part of five, and we feel the opportunity to you know go a little bit wider even than in the regular Avengers book because we don't need to be dealing with every single member of a continuing cast every issue."
You can see the full interview right here…
(W) Derek Landy (A/CA) Greg Land
INTRODUCING: THE ALL-NEW AVENGERS SERIES THAT STARTS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EXPLOSIVE ACTION AND RACES TO A SHOCKING CLIMAX! An alien attack. A missing piece of wormhole tech. A city warped, its citizens transformed into hideous creatures loyal to an Empress from the far side of the universe. And a certain Captain Marvel, looking to her fellow Avengers with murderous intent… Plunge into the action and take a deep breath because you will not be allowed up for air as a thrilling new series kicks off in the strongest, strangest way possible.In Shops: Sep 07, 2022
SRP: $3.99
(W) Derek Landy (A/CA) Greg Land
The Avengers are on their knees, in chains and at the mercy of Doctor Doom. Their only hope lies in the one man with the strength, honor and sheer decency to possibly stand against the oncoming darkness: the hero the world knows as…Doctor Doom? Plunge into the action from page one and hold on for dear life, gentle reader – this tale doesn't let up for a moment!
Rated T+In Shops: Oct 12, 2022
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(W) Derek Landy (A/CA) Greg Land
With an unending swarm of Red Skull LMDs on the loose, the Avengers have one last chance to turn the tide before they're completely overwhelmed – even if that means teaming up with the original Red Skull to do it. Dive right in, dear reader, and get swept away by the action! RATED T+In Shops: Nov 23, 2022
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