Lou Fine's Rex Dexter cover for Mystery Men Comics #2 is an early example from an artist who helped define science fiction art during comics' Golden Age.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dc comics, entertainment, lego
All The DC Comics November Lego Covers (Update)
Breaking all over the place right now, DC Comics will be doing Lego-themed variants for November. These will include:
- Action Comics #36
- Aquaman #36
- Batgirl #36
- Batman #36
- Batman & Robin #36
- Batman/Superman #16
- Catwoman #36
- Detective Comics #36
- Flash #36
- Harley Quinn #12
- Grayson #4
- Green Lantern #36
- Green Lantern Corps #36
- JLU #6
- Justice League #36
- Justice League Dark #36
- New Teen Titans #4
- Sinestro #7
- Supergirl #36
- Superman #36
- Superman/Wonder Woman #13
- Wonder Woman #36
Found so far from: Gameinformer IGN EW AICN Polygon Newsarama CBR Comicvine USAToday Nerdist Buzzfeed Escapist Hitfix DC Twitter

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