Alterna Comics has specialised in publishing comic books at the kind of price points that bigger comic book publishers seem to say are impossible to
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: crossed, gary erskine, javier barreno, si spurrier, simon spurrier, wish you were here
Avatar Plug of the Web – Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Chapter 7
Crossed is such extreme horror that sometimes it does nasty things to your eye sockets, but it's not all butchery and bloodlust, as today's latest online chapter in Si Spurrier and Javier Barreno's Crossed: Wish You Were Here webcomic can attest. Even under duress, folks can still find humor in life's little absurd moments.
Gotta love how the main character, Shakey, is at least in part an autobiographical creation of Spurrier's, and he's written as such a down-on-his-luck bloke. Aw, poor ol' Si…

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