Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, bestseller, bleeding cool, bleedingcool, civil war, Comics, dc, entertainment, Lists - Walking Dead, marvel, Secret Wars
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 17th January 2016 – Walking Dead Beats Secret Wars
It may have been the finale of Secret Wars this week. But for the Wednesday Warriors, it was all about the Walking Dead's 150th issue. And certain Mighty Morphin Power Rangers did rather well too…
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics. We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion.
1. Walking Dead #150
2. Secret Wars #9
3. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0
4. Mighty Thor #3
5. All New All Different Avengers #3
6. Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2
7. All-New Wolverine #4
8. Extraordinary X-Men #5
9. Guardians Of The Galaxy 4
10. Huck #3
Thanks to these following retailers.
- Dr. No's Comics & Games Superstore of Marietta, Georgia
- Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Rodman Comics of Ankeny, Iowa
- Jesse James Comics of Glendale, Arizona
- Yesteryear Comics of San Diego, California
- Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New York
- G-Mart Comic Books of Champaign, IL
Who had this to say,
One big book came out! Then there was other stuff! I guess!
Secret Wars blew the doors off all competition. All Adjective Avengers was #2 with almost half the sales numbers. Everything else was pretty middling. Nothing really standing out. Walking Dead #150 is of course a big milestone issue but isn't a hot Wednesday ticket for us. I expect to sell more copies over the weekend but we do most of our sales through tps, hcs, and compendiums.
DC has a lone entry with Batman & Robin Eternal being our #8 seller of the week. Outside of the top ten, Constantine was our best selling DC book. It might have been Batman/TMNT #2 had we not sold out on Wednesday. Also sold out of Power Rangers #0 which was a little surprising considering the amount we ordered.
Biggest bummer of the week- selling ZERO copies of Red Wolf AND All New Hawkeye off the shelf. Zero.
DC gets one book in the top ten this week, and they owe that to a quartet of turtles! Walking Dead ran away with number one this week, but Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger #0 might have given it a run for the money if we hadn't sold out by 4pm!
Renewed interest in Frank Miller's Daredevil in advance of the launch of Daredevil Season 2 on Netflix.
Walking Dead #150 crushed everything since it had 5 covers.Oh, wait i just described all the books this week.
Question:If Peter Parker is in the Ultimate End with the Ultimate Universe and the 616 merged into one world…then who is the Peter Parker on the life boat in Secret Wars!!! This might be the reason Walking Dead was #1. People would rather have nothing happen for 25 issues than to have to much happen in 9.
After a year i made the Marvel Star Wars #1 a back-issue and guess what i sold a ton of them..weird.Also some early New 52 Batman issues sold so quickly i could not even do a post on Facebook telling people i got some in.
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles most likely would have easily been a top five seller but Diamond didn't send a single copy of our order for them. Hard to sell what we don't get but still get invoiced for. Secret Wars 9 came out on top. I am surprised Marvel didn't expand it again to a twenty issue limited series. Not a bad week for a week in January.
Deadpool's movie next month is making back issues red hot.
WOW. While we were expecting this week to be pretty big, we are still blown away by how Mighty Morphin Power Rangers did. The 90's nostalgia is in full swing. We nearly sold out on the first day with customers buying up covers of their favorite rangers, and others trying to make complete sets.
Interesting to see that even with all the hype, the finale of Secret Wars still couldn't beat Walking Dead #150. Just goes to show how much power Bobby Kirks has over the comic industry (the TV show probably helps too)
Bring on the Power Rangers! Boom knocks it out of the park doubling the sales of Walking Dead.
Secret Wars dropped into the bottom of the list as most fans decided to pass on the final issue. Red Sonja and Descenders has a fanatic showing this week. Back issues of Rick and Morty continue to break all records for a title in overall sales.