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Booze Geek: Sea Monster Imperial Stout
Dylan Gonzalez writes;
Beer: Sea Monster Imperial Stout
Brewery: Ballast Point Brewing Company
Imagine you are sailing across a vast expanse of ocean. The skies turn dark and night envelopes your ship. You can barely see a few feet in front of you as you gaze over the railing. Then, from the briny depths, something arises. The neck of the bottle catches your eye. It is Ballast Point's Sea Monster Imperial Stout.
Ah, my first foray into stouts with Booze Geek. Well, I am glad I picked this one. Sea Monster is black as the dark depths from which it was spawned. It produces a small head, but leaves a ring of foam around the edge of the glass that it is poured into. Give it a whiff and you will find some nice notes of coffee and chocolate.
I will say that I am not as experienced with stouts as I am with IPAs, but this is quite a nice one. It has the bittersweet taste of a stout, but with some very nice chocolate and caramel notes. It also leaves a smoky aftertaste that I find quite pleasant.
On the palate, the Sea Monster has a good thickness to it, but nothing overwhelming. The carbonation is certainly present, but again, it is a very comfortable beer to drink. Overall, I really dug this stout and to top it off, Sea Monster has some killer artwork, featuring a big, ugly Angler Fish as its logo.
What To Drink This To:
When I drink this beer, all I want to do is curl up in bed and turn on my favorite (as the name implies) sea monster flick. Growing up, It Came From Beneath the Sea was always a mainstay for me. Some other good ones I could recommend: The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, The Host, and heck, even Jaws works here.
And if you want some cheese factor put into your movie, there is always stuff like Sharktopus, Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, and Leviathan (an awesomely bad 80's film).