Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: brian bendis, superman
Looking For Clues In Brian Bendis' Final Action Comics #1028
Brian Bendis not being allowed to use recap pages when writing for DC Comics titles, despite always having used them at Marvel when writing superhero comics, caused him to come up with some inventive solutions. In Action Comics he and his artistic collaborators used notebooks, phones, computer screens, cubicles, noticeboards and more, set in the story's location, often arranged by the lead characters which told us a) what they were doing b) why they were doing it and c) what they might do next. for Bendis' final Action Comics #1028 with John Romita Jr, there was more to examine than usual.
A big thanks from Bendis to the fans and fellow creators and editors and good luck wishes to those who will follow. "Superfans with themed websites" may refer to Anj of Supergirl Comic Box Commentary, who did a series of posts trying to figure out the Leviathan mysteries – Brian liked his tweets referring to them constantly. He even said he'd named a Leviathan agent after Anj in the missing-in-action Leviathan special.
There's a special thanks to Matt Fraction whose change to Jimmy Olsen made the preview below possible. There is a special shaded hidden thanks to the now-fired former publisher of DC Comics, Dan DiDio.
There's a note for Trojan tax returns – Trojan will be a major tech firm in upcoming DC Future State. Warworld is where Superman will find himself stranded and imprisoned. JR-JR is a reference to artist John Romita Jr.
The image on the screen is the new Justice League series by Bendis and David Marquez. The other images are a little more indistinct.
Anyone get any more? Action Comics #1028 is published today by DC Comics.
Action Comics #1028
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: John Romita Jr.
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 22, 2020The powerhouse creative team of Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr., and Klaus Janson wrap up their run on Action Comics with "House of Kent: Epilogue"! With the final fate of Metropolis's underworld revealed at last, it's time for each member of the House of Kent to face their unknown futures head-on, including Lois, Conner, Jon, Kara, Jimmy, and, of course, Clark Kent! This standalone Superman story connects threads from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Superman, Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes, and other unforgettable series in epic-and unexpected-ways!