Posted in: Boom, Comics, Comics Publishers, Review | Tagged: boom studios, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, giles, willow, xander
"Buffy The Vampire Slayer" #6: Willow Coughs Up a Win (SPOILERS)
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Jordie Bellaire is doing some incredible work with BOOM! Studios re-invention of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and I couldn't be happier to see the bold new directions with the franchise that he and illustrator David López are taking the book in.
It would be really, really hard to take on a project like Buffy without panicking, let alone taking on a re-boot that aims to take the venerable franchise into the present day. Let's be perfectly honest: fans don't take well to course-corrections with their precious, whatever their precious may be. They hates it, precious. They haaaaaates it.
So, here comes Bellaire, bringing a joyously reverent take on Buffy The Vampire Slayer that is, all at once, a complet tribute to the original, and yet breathes much-needed new life into the characters.
Buffy and Willow are on a quest to save Xander's soul, since he's been turned into a Vampire by Drusilla. Oh, yeah. Drusilla is the Master, right from the beginning. Not some cool-aid stained, waxy-faced Nosferatu cosplayer.
And why are they trying to save Xander? Well, it's because they love their friend. Not because of some wild, desperate crush Willow has on him. Will is gay, kids. It's something she already knows, and we don't need some wild, fourth season revelation to bring this about. She has a girlfriend that she loves, and she wants to save Xander because that's what friends do.
It's so great. So fresh, and so real. The dialogue is right out of the series, too, with that fun, rapid-fire back and forth that made Buffy The Vampire Slayer such a joy to watch. Giles and Jenny Calendar are a blast to read, and Xander is a dork. Even vampire Xander is a dork. I love it.
It's the absolute best comics adaptation of Buffy yet in comics.
David López throws an interesting angle into the book, too. His art style is pretty cartoonish, but it adds a really fun element to the story. The faces his characters make are both true to the actors that played the characters, but make them breath more contemporary air.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer is another big win for BOOM! Studios, and I can't wait to see where they take their new Buffyverse comics in the future!
Oh, the Cordelia summaries at the beginning are such a treat. Reading what she thinks is going on is so very true to Buffy.
SUMMARY: Script: Jordie Bellaire; Art: David López; Colors: Raúl Angulo; Letters: Ed Dukeshire; Editor: Jeanine Schaefer; Publisher: BOOM! Studios; Release Date: July 3, 2019; Cover Price: $3.99; 31 Pages. Rated 12 + for intense themes and fantasy violence.