Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment
Can DC Comics Please Pay Terry Beatty For Using Wild Dog On Arrow? Thank You
Terry Beatty is a veteran comic book creator who, among many things, created the Wild Dog character for DC Comics. Who you might have seen on this week'#s episode of Arrow.
Terry saw it too. And posted on Facebook,
Sure — it was a kick to see WILD DOG in action again on this week's episode of ARROW. And the media publicity is fun to see, too.
On the other hand — I'm still waiting to hear word one from DC or WB — and the amount I've been paid for use of the character I co-created still stands at not one thin dime. Kinda dampens the enthusiasm.On the other hand — I'm still waiting to hear word one from DC or WB — and the amount I've been paid for use of the character I co-created still stands at not one thin dime. Kinda dampens the enthusiasm."
DC Comics has a policy of paying out to creators when their creations are used in such a fashion, though it has become more restricted in recent years since Paul Levitz was dropped as Publisher and President.
Wild Dog was created in 1987 by Max Allan Collins and Terry Beatty.