Posted in: Comics, Current News | Tagged: donald trump, kamala harris
Comic Book Folk React To… The American Presidential Election
Comic Book Folk React To... The American Presidential Election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump for the 5th of November
Article Summary
- Comic book figures react to the intense Harris vs. Trump election, sparking wide-ranging opinions.
- Some creators express doubts about Trump's leadership, highlighting economic and social issues.
- Local elections matter; voters urged to focus on impactful races beyond the presidential spotlight.
- Polarized views emphasize the importance of voting and individual research in this historic election.
Remember, remember, the fifth of November… no, wait, that was a different country's political system. But also the date that the United States Of America will be going to the polls to vote for, among other things, the President. Current Vice President Kamala Harris is the Democratic Party candidate, and former President Donald Trump is standing for the third time as the Republican Party candidate. Pollsters say it is too close to call. But what do comic book folk think? And does it matter?
Tommy Lee Edwards: Trump destroyed our economy last time. The idiot can't even manage his own finances, no matter how many bible-selling scams and fake charities he steals from… Trump is the ultimate charity. Even with his garbage fans sending him their hard-earned money, the idiot is still completely drowning in debt.
John Rozum: We've been hearing about vast numbers of Republicans pledging to vote for Kamala Harris. We are not hearing about Democrats for Trump. Old white people are dying at the rate that kids are reaching voter age. Those kids will not be voting for Trump. Most women will vote blue… Anyone who truly loves this country would never vote for Trump.
Ben Templesmith: Gerald Ford once predicted there would be a woman US President. He said the only way it would happen, is that a male US president would eventually get a female VP, then he would die in office… & then after that, men better look out, as they may never get the nomination again… The party claiming the voting could be rigged, is, you guessed it, trying to rig the vote. "Some GOP-led states won't allow federal poll monitors at voting locations, officials say"
Scott Adams: How many of you persuaded at least one person to vote for Trump this year, and you never tried persuading anyone to vote any particular way before?
Nat Gertler: Your state is too one sided for your vote to make a difference for president? Someone's running for your library board to block all books with gay characters. Or running for the school board to set official prayers. Or for the election board to pick whose votes get counted. Local matters. Vote.
Spike Trotman: Word. Per-usual in Chicago, out-of-state PACs are dumping wheelbarrows of money into creepy candidates. For our first school board elections, the big effort is to try and redirect public school funds into private school vouchers.
Patton Oswalt: I can't wait for this class action lawsuit: Donald J. Trump vs. Every Awful Road Hack I Opened For Between 1988-1991
Marc Guggenheim: There's nothing exceptional about Kamala. Except her records as Attorney General of California, Senator, and Vice President. If only she'd declared bankruptcy 4 times. Being a fake CEO on reality TV would have been good too. But you can't have everything.
Brett Booth: I'm not interested in working with people who hate other people and want to force their world view on others like Maga are trying to do. Now some republicans are still willing to compromise so that's fine. As it should be… I prefer comics without politics for the most part, but I will question the ability of a writer to write stories about write and wrong if they are extremists,as Maga is turning into.
Kevin Maguire: I can't imagine it will be as close as they're claiming. Obama/McCain? Obama/Romney? Those I can get being close. But a robust, responsible career public servant and potentially the first woman president vs an elderly mentally decaying, narcissist, convicted felon?
Billy Tucci: She refuses to even answer which McDonald's she worked okay nor can they find any branch or coworkers. Another lying liar and he lying lies.
Steven Grant: I get the feeling what offends MAGA most about being called "garbage" is it makes them think they're being likened to illegal immigrants… You can tell someone at least schooled Trump in the basics of eugenics once (gee, I wonder who), since he seems to believe that being related to someone smart means there's no way you can't be smart, & genetics just doesn't work that way. But that's his whole argument for why he's "a stable genius." Not that some things aren't passed generationally, but even if he were smart, DJ & Eric would rip his eugenic theory apart by their sheer existence… Just figured out Trump hates & fears immigrants b/c he hated & feared his immigrant mother so much…
Neil Kleid: I know folks are going to be talking about the Kamala Harris bit on SNL but the Tim Kaine sketch was unexpected and great
Dale Eaglesham: "On top of this, war is raging and authoritarianism is growing … we need Kamala Harris." What a hot load of sh-t. We need one of the people stoking the wars and authoritarianism to combat said evils? HOW STUPID IS THIS?
Rosario Dawson: Make a plan to vote if you haven't already!
Gail Simone: I did vote!
Regan Clem of Summit Comics & Games: Trump is spot on here. Poor Fred and Peanut. What a waste. Totalitarians are going to do terrible things. Really, utterly horrible. Imagine if it was Trump that killed Peanut. I want you all to have that outrage at our government.
Pete Woods: Vote for the party that doesn't get upset when they find out women don't have to vote the way their husbands do.
Cully Hamner: "I'm not a 'Trumper,' I want to make that clear," says man about to vote for Trump *for a third time* just now on MSNBC. Hate to break it to you, pal, but…
Cheryl Harris: If anyone is still voting for him after his behavior at last night's rally, they definitely fit the description. How incredibly crassless and crude.
Roxane Gay: As I have said all along, I think Harris is going to win, handily. We won't know until we know but I am not stressed about Tuesday. But don't slow down on your efforts, to be clear. Its full tilt boogie til the votes are counted.
Cully Hamner: I mean, we know that people who vote for him will overlook a lot… but I just can't see how anyone gets past a president, former or otherwise, fellating a microphone in front of a crowd… BUT HEY, THAT'S ME.
Elizabeth Sandifer: If that Iowa number is correct then Florida, Texas, Ohio, Alaska, and South Carolina are all firmly in play, with Missouri and Kansas as plausible. Take that as you will.
Brian Hiatt: Trump is gonna fly to Iowa and tell the women there they have to vote for him whether they like it or not. That'll fix this… Even if she doesn't actually win Iowa but just gets kinda close – it augurs a broader shift nationally in her favor
Shawn Hudachko of Black Ops Publishing: Majority if my FB friends are either Marines or comic book creators.
The Marines are mostly very very right wing. The comic book creators are mostly very very left. Not a lot of middle ground and sadly, the most extreme of both sides also seem to just believe whatever crap meme or post they see from their side. People. Please think for yourselves and do a quick Google search before you share some crap meme as truth.
Atom Freeman: Google is not your friend when looking for truth that might contradict your bias. The same could be said for any search that is based on algorithmic returns. Personally, I choose a TV-free information diet (there is no chance for truth in TV programming) and rely on a couple daily emails with unbiased headlines to stay informed. If I want to research something, I usually use The Wall Street Journal with a VPN turned on. But, Reuters and the AP are both pretty good if, occasionally, inflammatory for clicks. Lately I've been looking at Ground.News which seems pretty good. I know you think I'm pretty liberal (the proliferation of guns in America only leads to more gun violence and art will always describe the world around it) but, I've always done my best stay pretty centrist. I have plenty of stances that irritate my friends here in Brooklyn.
Phil Boyle of Coliseum Comics: If you're listening to celebrity endorsements for voting advice — either side — remember that most of them wouldn't know where to go shopping for eggs and milk if they were starving. They don't care what the price of gas is or what's happening outside their walled mansions. They don't live in the real world like us "normal" folks. Do your own thinking.