Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, election, trump
Comic Book Folk React To… The Presidential Election (Part One)
So, there was a Presidential Election in the USA yesterday. With no winner announced, and no one counting votes right now, this will be a long slog. But what do comic book – and comic book adjacent – folk have to say about what's going down, on social media? Here are a few..
Andy Khouri: If you're reading this in Arizona STAY IN LINE
Tom King: I did a 5 hour signing in Philadelphia today. I think maybe one person told me they voted today. All the rest voted early. Count all the votes.
Dan Panosian: Voting didn't work out for me this year. I was literally the last person at the polling center -they told me I should have got there earlier. But they were nice enough to show me that I didn't fill out the ballot correctly anyway [ so many places to mark! There should be a "maybe" check box for some of the options, IMO. But the system is sooo outdated, I'm not surprised. ]- so all in all I put in some good practice for the next election 4 years from now. My glass is half full and I'm proud of myself!
Gail Simone: Any good news?
Saladin Ahmed: this isn't about vacuous 'self-care' that neglects political responsibility – I'm saying 'political junkie' culture tells us we somehow have a responsibility to compulsively refresh election results even though that's not actual action that helps anyone
Chelsea Cain: Thanks, America, for being such a great example for our young people. No. Wait.
Peter David: Looks like I was wrong: the worst case scenario is ahead of us.
Trump has declared that he won even though we have not even come near to finishing counting the ballots, and won't for some days yet. He has asserted, groundlessly, that he's going to go to the Supreme Court to ask them to stop the counting, which ideally even his 6-3 court will not do.
Meanwhile not only was McConnell reelected, but my understanding is that the GOP remains in the majority in the Senate, so even if Biden is elected, he won't be able to accomplish anything; McConnell will just shut it down.
Ultimately it doesn't matter what happens; this entire evening has failed to provide what we most needed: moral vindication. We wanted to believe that our side was soundly in the majority, so much so that we wouldn't even need the delayed votes to be counted. That the blue wave would come crashing down, absolutely and indisputably.
We wanted to believe in the future of our country.
And now we can't. We are officially a Banana Republic as the dictator attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, supported by his flunkies and enablers. We have lost control of our Democracy. We are no longer what the founding fathers envisioned.
America: It was nice while it lasted.
If this sounds hopeless, understand that it's 2:44 in the morning and I haven't slept.
Russ Burlingame: I really don't understand how we keep treating Florida like it's a swing state. It's a Republican stronghold that just happens to have a larger-than-average number of Democrats.
Alex Paknadel: I won't call a damn thing because I'm not qualified and my country huffs paint fumes too, but for it to be this close is beyond disgraceful.
Andy Diggle: Watching the results come in like
Caspar Wijngaard: 2020 out here trying to purchase itself an expansion DLC
Donald J. Trump: We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!
Stephen Amell: You are such a dickhead. For what it's worth, I want this election to be won fair and square. Trump or Biden. Congratulations to the winner. But this tweet is so reckless and incendiary. It is the opposite of what a leader should do.
Michael Davis: All those POC who voted 4 that BULLSHIT wealth may have sentenced millions of their people to death. This is the only plan set forth by Trump. This is nothing less than the thinning of the POC herd & if Trump wins that's a wrap.
Frankie Boyle: Really expected late night shows doing a bunch of songs about Trump being gay for Putin to have had more impact
Joshua Hale Fialkov: Take comfort that @realDonaldTrump has only won in states he loathes and would never set foot in if he didn't need to con them into voting for him or buying a shitty product with his name on it.
PJ Holden: I'm gonna sit at my drawing table, fire up the new melody Gardot album and trust America counts all the votes, elects Biden and doesn't let trump drag it into civil war.
Dennis Barger: Biggest news of the night…. Arby's Owner Is Buying Dunkin' & Baskin-Robbins for $11 Billion. The Meat Mountain gets donuts and ice cream.
Darick Robertson: I'm so sick of taking politics!!
Sorry, Darick, much more to come…