Posted in: Comics | Tagged: deadpool, Domino, marvel, previews, weapon x, weapon x-force, x-men
Deadpool Appreciates the Power of Good Graphic Design in Weapon X #23 Preview
In Weapon X #22, we learned that Deadpool was working for Mentallo's cult, leaving us on a cliffhanger as he prepared to face off against Weapon X-Force. But what could cause the Merc with a Mouth to fight a team that contains his friend, Domino, who he was just palling around with a couple of issues ago in Domino's solo book?
According to this preview of Wednesday's Weapon X #23, it's all about the graphic design!
It's also nice to see Marvel actually reference Domino and Deadpool's relationship, especially after just revealing that he really cared about her as a friend in Domino #2, even if Domino is only mildly surprised to find Wade working for a supervillain.
So is that all there is to the story? Or will we learn another reason behind Deadpool's seeming betrayal? We'll find out Wednesday when Weapon X #23 hits stores. Check out the full preview below.
Weapon X #23
(W) Fred Van Lente (A) Yildiray Cinar (CA) Rahzzah
• When a secret clan of Satanists wants hell on Earth
for mutants…
• Weapon X-Force is the only team standing in their way! You won't believe who's moving heaven and hell to end mutantkind this time!
Rated T+
In Shops: Sep 05, 2018
SRP: $3.99