Posted in: Comics | Tagged: chuck satterlee, devil's due, Josh Blaylock, Neil Van Antwerpen, san diego comic con, sdcc
Devil's Due Publish New Comics by Chuck Satterlee & Neil Van Antwerpen
Devil's Due Comics has announced their first two new creator-owned comic books since lockdown. And both from Chuck Satterlee and Neil Van Antwerpen.
The Claims Adjustor, created by Chuck Satterlee, Neil Van Antwerpen and industry newcomer artist, Laura Helsby, is a dark, psychological story set in a world of super-powered beings. The story features Leonard Scholnick, a claims adjuster for an insurance company that specializes in super-battle-damage. He has seen the toll that these fights take on the innocent… and having experienced loss himself, he has decided they all need to go, hero & villain alike. The series is scripted by Satterlee with story by Van Antwerpen & Satterlee, Van Antwerpen handling layouts and Helsby on pencils& inks. Colours are by Leslie Atlantsky and letters by Chuck Maly.
No Other Gods is also written by Satterlee with art by Neil Van Antwerpen, colours by Nicholas Michael and letters by X-Men and Spawn letterer Tom Orzechowski. Set in the sixteenth year of the reign of America's first dictator, the Republic has fallen and the heroes of yesterday have been driven into hiding. Recently, a young hero showing glimpses of off the charts power has emerged… and the tyrant and old heroes are in a race to get to him first. NO OTHER GODS is a cautionary tale of tyranny told in a world of super powered beings.
"I couldn't be happier to land these two series at Devil's Due", said Satterlee, "I have been a fan of publisher Josh Blaylock and of Devil's Due for as long as they've been around. It is an honor for me and my fellow creators to have the DD logo on our books!"
"Not only did the concepts and teams behind both of these comics grab me," said Blaylock, "but I felt that Chuck and his crew were uniquely positioned for us to work with them, and he is well experienced in what it takes to see a book through, with an understanding of production beyond the creative."
In 1998 Devil's Due Publishing started as both a commercial art studio and a small press comic-book publisher, shifting to comics in 2001 and publsiuhing a line of licensed and original titles including G.I. Joe, Mercy Sparx, Squarriors, Hack/Slash, and Trailer Park Boys. Success fo the publisher has risen and fallen over the years, merging with F1rst Studios at one point, not paying creators/staff at another, but always managing to turn the corner and be reinvented by Josh Blaylock. And now, after lockdowns, he is doing it again, it seems.