Eric Stephenson thanked the staff of Image. He said in the last twelve years the Image Comics staff has doubled from eight people to sixteen. He invites
Digital Archives
We're used to ComiXology sales, where a stack of titles will be sold at 99 cents each. And Dark Horse's Digital Bundles where a huge amount of digital
Derm McG writes; Bunsen Bunnies is a web comic about lab rabbits. Just not the usual sort. Most lab rabbits have science done to them. These bunnies DO
Bleeding Cool’s Kickstarter Correspondent, Shawn Demumbrum has lead three Kickstarter campaigns to launch comic books, two successfully funded and one
Dave Dellecese writes; “Sorry, kid. It’s a tough business to break into.” With those curt words roughly ten years ago in response to my asking for advice,
Elizabeth Herman writes; There’s an old joke that every comic book fan knows exactly what Fredric Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent is about, despite
Alasdair Stuart writes; Amelia Cole and the Hidden War is two issues old, and the changes from volume 1, Amelia Cole and the Unknown World, are all paying
BKV writes to say ...the third issue of THE PRIVATE EYE, a comic about privacy I co-created with the amazing Marcos Martin and Muntsa Vicente, is
X-Men Legacy from #208 until #271 are dropping in price on Monday on Marvel and ComiXology apps. #208 was the first issue of the book being called X-Men
A DELIGHT OF A DEAL Dark Horse are putting out a Dark Horse Megabundle, 25 issues of the new Dark Horse Presents, an $8 comic, for $40 the set, including
It appears that the original Watchmen series is just 99 cents a pop on ComiXology. Might be worth the trip. Although, you can get similar prices on Amazon
This week, Age Of Ultron's final issue managed to break the stranglehold on sales that Injustice Gods Among Us has has in many of ComiXology's markets
Valiant has joined the Kindle Worlds programme from Amazon, in which they allow anyone to create stories using the characters of Bloodshot, X-O Manowar,
Looks like this entry on the ComiXology FAQ may require a little updating; Why can't I find DC or Vertigo books on the Kindle Fire app? Last Updated: Apr
We reported that James Robinson had walked off the rather successful Earth 2 series, and included the rumour that it was over DC's plans to launch a
Thanks to Tom Huxley's diligence, we can see a number of comics about to get the 99 Cent treatment on Monday. They include Thunderbolts 169-174, Dark Zahra is the protagonist of a graphic novel called Zahra's Paradise. You can read it in print here or as a
Fernando Ramirez writes; Getting a chance to do comics nowadays is really hard. Most companies don't accept submissions. You have to attend
In three weeks-and-change time, Tuesday the 9th of July, Marvel will announce something called Share Your Universe. A comic book being given free to comic
We get a lot of PR people sending us infographics to run on Bleeding Cool. Trying to jump on something vaguely topical, tying it in with some product of
Brian Bendis' run on New Avengers is about to hit ComiXology on Monday at 99 cents a pop. Here's what you have to look forward to in the USA, from the UK
I like playing Temple Run on my iPad. My kids like playing Temple Run on my iPad. They like taking my iPad, and playing somewhere where I can;t find them
If you are waiting for the threequel to Bulletproof Coffin by David Hine and Shaky Kane to appear from Image Comics, you may be waiting some time.
Alasdair Stuart writes for Bleeding Cool; Atypical Comics is Geoffrey D Wessel's self-published comics imprint. Wessel's a relentlessly determined and
Cameron Hatheway writes; My first favorite multiplayer video game growing up was 007: Goldeneye for the N64. For hours on end my friends and I would sit
Warren Ellis writes; I am delighted to announce that my ebook single, DEAD PIG COLLECTOR, will now be published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, under
While talking to Kotaku about DC's moves into new forms of digital comic storytelling, DC co-publisher Jim Lee was also asked about the current state of
Joseph Kyle Schmidt writes; Some time in the past.... “Rocket Girl.” Two words, seemingly random, said by Brandon Montclare to Amy Reeder. Cut to the
It was one of my favourite nineties Marvel comic. It had terrible sales and was repeatedly on the brink of cancellation. Nowadays he has his own game, a
China seem to be big fans of Rogue losing her virginity to The Sentry. But for the rest of the world it seems to be all about Injustice: Gods Among Us,