Alasdair Stuart writes; Anathema opens with a witch being burned. It’s one of those images which is instantly recognizable, the grim, hunched woods, the
Digital Archives
Thanks to our New Zealander friends, where it is already tomorrow, we can tell that Friday's Marvel sale on ComiXology will be on X-Men Vol 3 #1-33. If
Last year, Bleeding Cool ran the simply hilarious gag that DC Comics was running a Kickstarter to fund the publication of a new Stephanie Brown comic. A
Madefire is the motion comics publisher with big names and a big budget. deviantART is the creative gallery formed from the work of individuals which has
It's about 1 am in the UK. And from this distant land, we can see that Monday's big Marvel ComiXology 99 Cent sale will be the first fifty issues of
Russell Willis of publishers Panel Nine said that his new comics app 'Sequential' will be a store front for graphic novels by Blank Slate, Knockabout,
Joshua Stone reports from Wondercon; At the Spotlight on Jeff Smith, Jeff announced his next project - Tüki Save the Humans. He said he missed the humor
Andrew Mertes reports; Constantine #1 completely dropped off of the sales charts around the globe this week. There is still some good news for John
As the US Senate passes a symbolic bill amendment ahead of the planned Marketplace Fairness Act, we may see a number of changes to the way the comic
They may not be the five hundred and twenty-five free comics currently on ComiXology. But there are around sixty Brian Bendis Marvel comics coming through
So you crashed and burned trying to download 700 free Marvel comics the other week. Well, Bleeding Cool has painstakingly looked through ComiXology's
The online course that includes Mark Waid, Gail Simone, Brian K Vaughan, Terry Moore, Scott Snyder, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Steve Wacker, and Sana Amanat
Andrew Mertes writes; While AMC’s adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s series plods along sluggishly on our television screens, The Walking Dead comic book
It's never exactly had the best of trade paperback collections schemes. Issues missing throughout, waves never collected, and nothing actually beating
Tom Huxley writes; To some, they offer a little extra value to your $3.99 Marvel comic. To others,they provide a minor source of income, developing an
Take the ComiXology App. Click on the "Creators" tab. And this is what you get. To see the men as well, you can just click on "All Creators". But it's a
It’s a detective story set in 2076, when everyone in the United States has a secret identity. Our protagonist is a member of the paparazzi, outlaw private
David Berlanga records a piece looking at the difference between reading comics on the Marvel Digital Unlimited iPad App, compared to reading it with
Adam Jeffcoat writes; Niko and the Sword of Light was born from the idea that we wanted to make something
"This project successfully raised its funding goal on December 4, 2011." That was Stacie Ponder's RPG: The Collected Collection Kickstarter announcement
Andrew Mertes writes; If you were paying attention to Bleeding Cool news over the past weekend (and of course you were!) you know that this was a big week
JManga was the digital comic distribution launched in 2011, seen as a legal alternative to the scanlation community that had dominated much manga reading
One of the side effects of the Marvel #1 Free ComiXology now-paused-offer was that a number of people noted, possibly for the first time, the Ender's Game
David Steinberger, CEO of ComiXology writes; To our customers: It’s been a whirlwind weekend, and we’re fresh from SXSW where Marvel Comics launched their
Aurélie Filippetti, the French Minister Of Culture has closed a deal between book publishers and authors' unions (including those of comic book creators)
Marvel's Ryan Penagos (about to be deposed as the face of Marvel by Blair Butler!) tweeted; I can't say anything official yet, but we're definitely
So, @bleedingcool, your bit re: @marvel releasing 700 free #1 issues today at @comixology should instead say Marvel did a DNS attack on 'em. — Jason
Shown at the Marvel panel at SXSW. It's as if you were there...
So, right now, around a hundred thousand people are trying to download seven hundred free Marvel digital comics, just announced at SXSW. You can guess
Marvel's panel has just begun at SXSW. Here comes Marvel First, the 52 Count and Project Gamma... The panel's theme music is Queen's One Vision. Always