DC Comics and ComiXology are running a 99 cent sale on issues of V For Vendetta today. And why today? Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder,
Digital Archives
Some people call it a comic. Some an illustrated story. If the former then it outsells every other comic book on the bookshelves on a regular basis,
A new chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Avatar's adults-only web comic written by Si Spurrier's (X-Men Legacy, Judge Dredd, 2000AD), is now live. If
Bleeding Cool’s Kickstarter Correspondent, Shawn Demumbrum has lead three Kickstarter campaigns to launch comic books, two successfully funded and one
Earlier this week, Bleeding Cool reported on Amazon's peculiar reluctance to sell Saga Vol 1 by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples. Well, now it's back.
Tomorrow, October the 31st, Chris Roberson and Allison Baker's Monkeybrain Comics release five new digital comic books. They are previewed below and no
ComiXology has given us an extra page of Kieron Gillen and Greg Land's Iron Man #1 in its preview, beyond that which we already had. So, you know, Go at
A funny week as far as ComiXology in-App digital sales are concerned. The big winners win big (Image/Marvel) but DC makes up for it in spreading out its
Issue 1 is 59 pages. Issue 2 is 38 pages, Issue 3 is 42 pages. Issue 4 is 36 pages. Those now used to a 22 page or indeed 20 page standard comic chapter
Louis Falcetti writes for Bleeding Cool; UPDATE: Apparently for every mention of Harlequin Comics, it should have read Walking Dead #103. Possibly the
If you haven't tried Crossed yet - the over-the-top outbreak story created by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Chronicles of Wormwood) - Avatar Press
The other evening I popped into the Valiant offices, officially the closest comic book publisher to the New York Comic Con. What I found was a proper,
There we go. The one hundred millionth digital comic has just been downloaded from ComiXology. It was was Bill Willingham's Pantheon #3. Published in the
ComiXology have just upgraded their Kids-Only version of their web reader, Comix 4 Kids, to make it synch with your existing grown up adult ComiXology
Mike Greear writes for Bleeding Cool from NYCC; Members of Comixology took time during their 2:45 p.m. Thursday panel at New York Comic Con to discuss
For the last few weeks, we've been watching old sparring partners Dave Sim and Fantagraphics circle around the possibility of Fantagraphics publishing
It's not up there now (sorry) but yesterday evening Uncanny Avengers #1 and #2 were available to download on ComiXology ahead of tomorrow's release date
Get your satisfaction with 20 minutes of live-action Halo action. What is your reaction?
DoubleWatch: Terry Dodson draws two Captain Marvels for Captain Marvel #6. GenderWatch: Laura Sneddon for the New Statesman on gender politics in Dredd.
Okay, admittedly, it is still all available to read online for free. Right there, on the Avatar website. All of it. Free. Still. But if you, like me,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf7NwD73FKw Lea Hernandez is promoting the redo of her crowdsourcing project for the new The Garlicks graphic novel
Louis Falcetti writes for Bleeding Cool; If you can judge a country's mood by what comics it buys on comiXology (and really, why wouldn't that be a
Matt Harding writes for Bleeding Cool; Madefire Studios, the makers of interactive digital comics "Treatment," and "Mono" introduced us yesterday to their
While Walking Dead may have slipped down the charts since it's print-busting best seling comic of the decade (at least until Uncanny Avengers gets here),
Debuting at the New York Comic Con is the first Madefire Sketchbook, from the people who have brought you a new type of digital comic book. Except this is
There's just one day to go on the funding of Gail Simone and Jim Calafiore's Leaving Megapolis comic project on Kickstarter. Originally aiming for
The evil that men do. Or rather the evil that men allow to happen. Welcome to the new episode of Crossed: Wish You Were Here. Both on the island and back
Here's one of the videos from Avengers Vs X-Men #11 via Marvel's AR system. The others show the progression of art from pencils to colours. This shows a
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU2mLBaVTO0 Aaron Haaland writes from A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida; Hey Fandom! It's another week of DC's ZERO MONTH!
Four backes of the Digital Cerebus Kickstarter project bid $750 for the following; An 8x11 black and white inked full figure original drawing of your