Posted in: Comics | Tagged: c2c, comic con, Comics, eccc, emerald city, entertainment, seattle
Donny Cates Has A Lot Of God Country #1 First Prints At ECCC If Anyone Wants #C2Ccon2017
From Coast-To-Coast Comic-Con, Donny Cates has been talking about working as a Marvel Comics intern proofreading Brian Bendis scripts. He's also mentioned that even though God Country #1 first prints are selling for forty bucks, he has a "gang of them" at his booth at ECCC 2017. Almost like someone could make him an offer he couldn't refuse.
He talks about having a hit book at Image really changes things, as he realised when they moved the blinkers at his booth at ECCC, and he saw the length of his line, something he hasn't experienced at all before.
And now he has Redneck, his Southern vampire comic book from Image. Will lightning strike twice? And he talks about already writing his thirteenth issue while the artist is already drawing issue 6, so there should be no lateness issues on this one.
And how it is based on his father cutting off half his family and moving somewhere to start afresh. And a vampire family doing the same. And it's chance to show the beautiful things about Texas. With a landscape that doesn't look out of place if Kirby gods were fighting in it.
He hasn't talked about his time working as a reporter for Bleeding Cool yet, but I'm sure he will!
And you can keep up to date with Bleeding Cool's other Coast To Coast Comic Con coverage right here.