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Frank Frazetta's Captive Princess Painting Has Bids For Half A Million

The legacy the late of Frank Frazetta is of the most in-demand fantasy artist of all time. His work is repeatedly homaged, reprised and reused, and his original work fetches some of the highest sales prices on the planet. And it looks like we will be going through the motions one more time with two pieces as part of a premium listing of original comic book artwork that's being live auctioned later today. The first, Captive Princess, was used as the cover art for the 1973 edition of The People That Time Forgot, Book 2 of the Caspak series written by Edgar Rice. Going under the hammer today, with bids of $450,000 so far, with the Buyer's Premium bumping that up to $540,000. While for those with slightly smaller wallets, Frank Frazetta's original art for the cover of  The Lost Continent from 1963 is also auctioning today, with bids of only $37,000/$44,400 so far.

Frank Frazetta's Captive Princess Paitning Has Bids For Half A Million

Frank Frazetta The People That Time Forgot "Captive Princess" Cover Painting Original Art (Ace, 1973). It seems like Frank Frazetta's artwork has always been popular in some circles or another, but in recent years it has been setting record prices on the open market. This is another stunning piece that allowed his skills to shine… a moody, foreboding setting, ape-like sub-humans, and of course the desperate damsel in distress! A simply wonderful composition as you would expect from a master painter such as Frazetta. This classic Frazetta fantasy painting comes from the absolute pinnacle of the master's career and featured the hallmarks for which he's most celebrated. And not only are the content and composition Frazetta perfection, but the book is A+ as well: it doesn't get any better for a Frazetta image than Edgar Rice Burroughs, as the artist always brought out the big guns for John Carter of Mars, Tarzan, and other content by the founder of fantasy adventure fiction. Such a peak period masterpiece, brilliantly composed and intricately painted, truly glows in person. And this beautiful painting is totally fresh to market, never before having been offered at auction and residing privately for decades. Crafted in oil on pressboard with an image area of 17.5" x 23.5". It is open front framed to 26" x 31.75". Signed in the lower right of the image area. The painting is in Excellent condition and shows brilliantly; the frame shows some scratches.

Frank Frazetta's Captive Princess Paitning Has Bids For Half A Million

Frank Frazetta The Lost Continent Paperback Novel Cover Painting Original Art (Ace, 1963). A delicate and lovely cover that also features excitement and danger! The figures in the foreground of the woman and man are exceptional examples of Frazetta's deft style and ability to convey fluidity of movement in a static image.
Created in oils over graphite on art paper with a matted image area of 7.5" x 10.25". There is an excellent Frazetta signature on the upper left side of the image. Glass front framed to 21.5" x 24". In Excellent condition.
From the Randy Bowen Collection.


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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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