Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers, DC Comics | Tagged: dc comics, grant morrison, green lantern, pansexual
Grant Morrison Wants to Suggest Hal Jordan Has a Pansexual Persuasion
It's Grant Morrison time! You know how these things go. A website takes an interview or article and plucks out one phrase, out of context, and throws it up as a headline for clicks. I mean, you are reading Bleeding Cool so I hope you do. But there are always different levels, I mean, we are not Screen Rant for goodness sake. But today all of that seems to have gone out of the window. Grant Morrison has followed up their annotations of their Superman & The Authority comic books, with one for their Green Lantern series with Liam Sharp. And their most recent Xanaduum Substack details intricacies from 202o's Green Lantern Season Two.
In which Grant Morrison states that "This story contains one of my all-time favourite lines when Hyperman yells 'DIE LIKE A MAN!' and Jordan replies… 'YOU FIRST. IF IT LOOKS COOL, I'LL THINK ABOUT IT.'" and that they "feel bad about killing Klypso the Hyper-Hound… I like animals, super or otherwise and I prefer to change existing characters radically rather than kill them outright, ending their potential for future twists. Klypso was a good dog when he first appeared in Adventure Comics as an otherworldly counterpart for Krypto the Superdog. I like to think that various cosmic shenanigans will conspire to restore him as a good dog once more! He deserves a place in the Legion of Super Pets, perhaps as the Wolverine-type character – brought up to be a killer but with the potential to be a great hero..!"
Grant also gives a little insight into the changes that DC Comics was going through at the time, "So confusing were those times that I can barely remember when we were jerked on our puppet strings one last time and given the go-ahead for Season 2 to play out for with its original 12 issues…. Through it all, I have to give props to our editor Brian Cunningham steadfast as a rock in the tempest. Brian seemed to roll with every new demand from higher-ups, encouraging us simply to do our best and see it through."
Brian Cunningham was made redundant at DC Comics in late 2020. But as to the headline which brought you all here to read this article? Regarding the character of Nurse Lelo Olaqua who first appeared in Season One…
Grant writes "Nurse Leylo Olaqua was introduced in Season 1 #2 but here we learn she and Jordan have romantic history. I wanted to suggest that a boho Lothario like Hal Jordan with a whole universe of worlds at his disposal would tend towards a pansexual persuasion…" While we are at it, Grant tells us "the illustration on page 11 showing various Jordan girlfriends was originally intended to more obviously resemble a menorah rather than a colour spectrum. Hal Jordan is, of course canonically Jewish, and this issue owed a lot to Jewish esoteric ideas."
And Nurse Leylo Olaqua turns up again… Have you subscribed to Grant Morrison's Xanaduum yet? So you don't have to put up with my cut=and-pasting and get it straight from Grant's fingertips?