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Hawkeye Freefall #1 Sells Out! Plus Other Odd Variants – The Back Order List 1/1/2020
Every week your Local Comic Book shop gets in the weekly assortment of comics, trades, posters, action figures, and other goodies from Diamond. Now some of these goodies sell our fast from your LCBS, so Tuesday and Wednesday LCBS retailers get on the phone (more often the computer) and let Diamond know they need more. Or sometimes they go to unpack those Diamond boxes and find items missing, or too damaged to sell (it does happen), retailers have to let Diamond know. However, the phrase no retailer likes to hear when they go to report those shortages, damages, or reorders is: "Sorry that item is on backorder", which means there are no more copies to send out from the Diamond warehouse.
The new year began with comics out on the first day of the year. However, this comics out on the first day of the year had a few hurdles retailers had to remember to jump over. First, UPS was delivering the comics on Monday, instead of Tuesday, for sale on Wednesday the first. Second, the comics for Marvel and Image for this one sale date had to be ordered separately since they weren't in the catalog. Now the Marvel supplement did mention this, and Image didn't have much on sale this week, but still Marvel had quite a few books come out, so what went to the Back Order list?
As of Friday Marvel had one big sellout, and no for once it is not Dawn of X, it was Hawkeye Freefall #1. Both the main cover
and the Otto Schmidt variant cover
are gone from Diamond. Expect a second print announcement very soon.
The other two big launches from Marvel, The Empire Strikes Back Volume 2 for Star Wars #1 is still in stock,
with all its variants.
Thor #1 and most of its MANY variants also are still in stock.
Except the great Kris Anka Rainbow Bridge variant is gone…
Also Miles Morales Spider-Man #14 is still in stock but low as more readers are interested in the second appearance of his little sister.
Though the Marvels X variant for #14 is on Back Order.
Again for the variants don't expect reprints so get them if you can.
And one more variant to add to the Back Order list is the Blade Runner #5 Cover E Blank Sketch Variant.
Amazingly unlike last year, over and over again, Dawn of X books did not get on the Back Order list this week.
Marauders #5, both main cover
and great Dark Phoenix 40th Anniversary Variant are still available.
And the late shipping X-Men #4
and Venom Island variant, still in stock.
And as we are now in the new year, Marvel is done overshipping titles it seems…
So if you are your LCBS and see any of these "back order titles" grab them if you want them, because Diamond won't be sending anymore 1st prints no matter how much your local retailer asks.