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How Civil Warry Is Your Civil War II Crossover Today?
Marvel actually has an issue of Civil War II out today. I know, who'd have thought, we talked about it here.
In which Doctor Strange is rather surprised to find X-Men involved in this crossover. He has a point, given recent Marvel Studios moves.
So obviously Civil War II #5 is very Civil Warry indeed. But what about some of the crossovers? How Civil Warry are they? How connected to the main story or how independent are they? And can we measure their CiviL Warriness on a scale of ten Banner heads?
Very Civil Warry. A Jessica Jones investigating Ulysses' origins, and writer Chelsea Cain getting a plug for her friend Chuck Palahniuk in there.
While also explaining why new Avenger White Fox isn't well playing with the others.
And something going on with Nick Fury. So yes, pretty Civil Warry.
VENOM SPACE KNIGHT #12 is not so lucky. Because it's entire Civil War relevance is restricted to this panel.
Yup, that's your lot. Is it worth that Civil War II logo on the cove?
Though its sister title GUARDIANS OF GALAXY #12 actually written by Civil War II#'s Brian Bendis is as Civil Warry as it can get, taking place simultaneously to Civil War II #5. You might want to read it afterwards, but it doesn't go for the big spoilers, only explains exactly why the Guardians are now stuck here.
Ask Doctor Strange, Kate, he's all up on that.
As for CIVIL WAR II X-MEN #4 themselves..
Okay, yeah, there's a bit of Civil Warriness.
AGENTS OF SHIELD #9has a very background connection, but we do have Agent Coulson using the events of Civil War II to try and get the jump on everyone else. And they with him.
So not a lot but… some!
ALL NEW WOLVERINE #12 does actually match up to Civil War II nicely and even includes this bon mot…
…hat not only undermines how Ulysses powers are meant to work but also looks like Tom Brevoort may have had a hand in writing.
So, a bit, yeah. Just not a lot.
INTERNATIONAL IRON MAN #7 may have been solicited as a Civil War II crossover but not even Marvel editorial can hold that pretence up and they drop it completely from the cover. Not a trace. And as a result, not a single Banner head.
POWER MAN AND IRON FIST #8 is however, full of the practical implications of Ulysees and Captain Marvel' taskforce. And may get even closer to where Bendis was originally going for. And does all that…
…even with some knick-knack-paddy-whackin' turns of phrase.
All these titles are published today from Marvel Comics.