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In Green Arrow Rebirth, He Literally Calls Himself A "Social Justice Warrior". And So Does Black Canary.
It's not every comic book that opens with a reference to singer/songwriter Woody Guthrie. "This Machine Kills Fascists" is what Woody used to have written on his guitar, and it was picked up by others, including Billy Bragg, which is where I encountered it first.
Also, an excellent chance to pay tribute to artist Otto Schmidt, rocking a strong Sean Gordon Murphy vibe with this comic.
In a Newsarama interview, writer Ben Percy said that "Green Arrow is a social justice warrior. Green Arrow has his finger on the pulse of the moment."
Well, in this issue, Green Arrow says it too, self-identifying himself in monologue…
And he says it to other people, without a hint of irony., And they say it back…
The nature of Arsenal to the hostory of Green Arrow and heroin has been a little up-in-the-air as far as the New 52 was concerned. Well, looks like Wally West managed to jiggle out a new bit of continuity in his run across Dr Manhattan's chest in DC Universe Rebirth….And that's not the only memory, as Rebirth also showed us….
And this issue goes there. Or as close as it dares…
As the writer says,
Green Arrow Rebirth #1 by Ben Percy and Otto Schmidt is published today from DC Comics.