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James Tynion To Conclude Apocalyptic Trilogy With Eryk Donovan in Eugenic From BOOM! Studios In October

James Tynion IV will conclude his Apocalyptic Trilogy with Eugenic, a three-issue mini-series with artist Eryk Donovan this Fall.

As part of their ongoing attempt to spoil their own San Diego Comic Con announcements before Bleeding Cool has a chance, BOOM! Studios has revealed the third of ten pre-comic-con announcements via an EXCLUSIVE interview on Comic Book Resources. Tynion and Donovan will team up for the three-issue mini-series that follows in the footsteps of Mimetic and Cognetic.

Tynion described the series in the interview, saying:

This story is something that's been running around the back of my head for a long, long time. Like the solicits say, in the first issue we start in a world that's been ravaged by this horrific plague that has impacted the entire world population. Even the people who did not directly die from it are carrying it. Beyond that, it's affected the reproductive abilities of the human race. The majority of human births for the last 15 years have been stillbirths and humanity has started to die out. We have a character Dr. Cyrus Crane who has started to put together a plan on how to save the world – beyond just curing the virus. He has a larger agenda and that larger agenda is really what spurs on Eugenic.

It's hard to talk about the plot of Eugenic because one of the strangest things about the conceit is that each issue takes place a few hundred years after the previous issue. They're almost like three science fiction stand alone one shots that build on each other in a snowballing apocalypse. Both of my previous two apocalypses in this cycle have happened in a matter of days. In Mimetic it happened in three days. In this one, it takes a bit longer and honestly it's one of the strangest things I've ever written. That's part of what makes it so exciting for me.

And also described how Eugenic ties together with its predecessors:

I do see these as three connected but separate stories that are coming to an end here. I'm sure I'm going to work with my incredible partner on this series, Eryk Donovan. He helped on my Hellblazer run, I worked with him on a webcomic for Thrillbent, I did a short story for an anthology with him and now I've done three big series with him. He's one of my closest friends in the world and we have very similar sensibilities. In terms of this format, the three oversized issue apocalypse miniseries. That format shaped the original idea. It is an ending, but there are more stories to come which if you like these takes on the world, I'll do similar things in the future. But I want to do different things that approach these themes from wildly different angles.

That leaves seven more announcements from BOOM! in the leadup to SDCC, so stay tuned for more. Here's two covers for Eugenic #1. The series launches in October.

Eugenic Cover

Eugenic Variant Cover

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Jude TerrorAbout Jude Terror

A prophecy once said that in the comic book industry's darkest days, a hero would come to lead the people through a plague of overpriced floppies, incentive variant covers, #1 issue reboots, and super-mega-crossover events. Sadly, that prophecy was wrong. Oh, Jude Terror was right. For ten years. About everything. But nobody listened. And so, Jude Terror has moved on to a more important mission: turning Bleeding Cool into a pro wrestling dirt sheet!
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