Posted in: Comics | Tagged: batma, batman eternal, chew, Comics, dc, dc comicd, detective comics, entertainment, john layman
John Layman Off Batman Eternal Weekly Comic Already
When Francis Manapul and Brian Buccelato moved from Flash to Detective Comics, writer John Layman and artist John Fabok, who had been working on the comic for a year, planned to move onto the new Batman weekly comic, Batman Eternal.
Except it now seems that's no longer the case. Not for John Layman anyway.
Layman, in a series of DC PR-arranged interviews told Newsarama,
Seems to be going well. We all get along. No ego, lots of cooperation. James and Scott have given us a fantastically detailed overview to work from, to pass the baton from issue to issue, but we're also free to put our own mark on the books.
Eternal will have a different tone than Detective. Faster moving and, like the title says, Detective is a case, whereas Eternal is more action-oriented, and its focus is on the entire Bat-verse.
And most recently had posted by himself,
Rewrites with the Bat-office, at least for me, are very reasonable. They give me notes, and I have to make the changes, or make an argument for not making the changes (and the Bat-office is very good about listening to my defenses, they don't just make changes for the sake of making changes, like some editors or offices do.)
What's more, there was one scene I was not entirely satisfied with, but I turned the script in anyway… sometimes you want to see if they see the same thing you do. And as it turned out, they zeroed in on the scene, made a suggestion that improved the story, and even freed up a page for a bigger climax. A sure sign of good editors.
And only yesterday, Scott Snyder was quoted by Newsarama talking about Layman's role on the book.
And John really loves the colorful aspects of Gotham, and the villains.
But now Bleeding Cool understands that John Layman will have no part to play in the book. Why, we don't know. What he does next, well, we don't know either. I'm sure we'll find out.
And there's always Chew…