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John Stewart Joins Scott Snyder and Jim Cheung's Justice League for #1 Relaunch
Jim Cheung is the man to go to when revealing new line-ups of comics, it seems. Whether Marvel's Fresh Starts or Nows – or in this case his new run with Scott Snyder on Justice League, to be relaunched with a new issue 1 to follow Snyder's Metal and No Justice mini-series. Which is another impressive land grab for DC, pulling Cheung from Marvel's contracts.
So, yes, Cheung is moving from Marvel to DC Comics for a Justice League relaunch. Joined by Jorge Jimenez. And written with Scott Snyder.
So that's Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Batman in his pre-Doomsday Clock look, Wonder Woman, Superman, Hawkwoman/Hawkgirl, the Flash… and yes, Jon Stewart Green Lantern. Since before the New 52 DC relaunch in 2011 we've had Hal Jordan as the Green Lantern of the Justice League, even though many people grew up with John Stewart as Green Lantern on the cartoons. Which saw some disconnect when the Green Lantern movie came out.
Could it be that John Stewart's return to being the Justice League Green Lantern may suggest the next step for the DC Comics movies?
As for the new Justice League comic, we have a solicitation as well that involves Lex Luthor as well. Another look into the origins of the DC Universe, possibly courtesy of Metal and all the Justice Leaguers seem set to re-examine their origins as well.
Spinning out of the cataclysmic events of Dark Nights: Metal and the universe-defining No Justice, the core members of the Justice League–Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash and more–are finally reunited!
The cosmos suddenly opens up to new threats that the Justice League could not imagine! As Lex Luthor and Batman race to solve a mystery going back to the beginning of the DCU, the rest of the League dive deep into new corners of their own mythologies!
One of the most critically acclaimed authors of his generation finally scribes DC's flagship title in Justice League.