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Liam Sharp Is Actually Finally Getting His Conan Comic Book Published
Liam Sharp Is Actually Finally Getting His Savage Sword Of Conan Comic Book Published in 2025 From Titan Comics/Heroic Signatures
Article Summary
- Liam Sharp's dream of creating a Conan comic is finally set for 2025 release.
- His Savage Sword of Conan script has been approved by Titan Comics.
- Sharp's journey to draw Conan has been inspired by decades of admiration.
- The project promises classic fantasy adventure, magic, and epic battles.
In January 2021, Liam Sharp tweeted out the following artwork. "I've never shared this before, but it's from a creator-owned story I've been working on that will one day be looking for a home. It's a way-off dream project, but consider this the most premature sneaky peek of all time…"
Some folks noticed a possible Conan The Barbarian influence, leading Liam Sharp to reply, "This will shock some people. I turned down my dream job – Conan – to draw Wonder Woman. She seemed more relevant to me at the time, and I thought it would challenge me. Looking back I know it was the right call, but one day I still want to draw a Conan story. Always have." We also reported that the CEO of Cabinet Entertainment, Fredrik Malmberg, had posted on Twitter, "What's your dream team for a Conan comic – must list writer, colorist, artist. GO!" with some fun responses, and plenty of them being Liam Sharo who replied "one day". But in 2023, that Conan dream has come to an end. Liam Sharp posted the following image and commentary.
"For reasons beyond the control of myself and the publisher, I am no longer doing a 48-page 'Savage Sword of Conan' story in black and white magazine format with a painted cover, which I also scripted. Once again that long imagined dream remains elusive. I was hoping to make it a career highlight, with art as detailed as Barry Smith's astonishing 'Red Nails' – a personal fav and inspiration. I still hope that one day we can make it happen, but for now – onward to new things, and moving my next big project forward a few months. I'm still excited about what the future brings and can't wait to get cracking on it after X-O Manowar, which still has one issue to go. Somethings are just not meant to be. One curious consolation – every time a possible Conan story has come my way, something else amazing happens instead… Last time it was Wonder Woman, which changed my life forever! For a taste of what might have been, here's the one thing I started drawing, alongside these pages from other books I've done, which serve as examples of the kind of direction I intended to take… The publisher is as sorry as I am, but sometimes things just don't work out. I've waited 40 years to draw the barbarian in a strip form. I think I can wait a little longer."
Well, one year later, it all changed again. Liam Sharp now posts on social media, saying, "Just got some GREAT news! My 44-page Savage Sword of Conan script has been APPROVED! The job of my dreams starts NOW! I actually wrote the first draft about 25 years ago (it's changed a fair bit since then mind!) so unfinished business in more ways than one!!!"
The news went down well, and he added, "Blown away by the response to my Conan news. I wasn't aware that so many people were rooting for me to draw that title for so long – almost as long as I wanted to! Savage Sword of Conan was my favourite comic. The painted covers, incredible black and white interiors – Buscema, BWS, Tim Conrad, Alfredo Alcala, the odd Corben pin-up, and so many more. And the fact it was for 'mature' readers, which made it feel more like your big brother's rock albums (if I had a big brother!) and slightly illicit. And, of course, Frazetta remains one of the biggest influences on me, and while not directly related to the mag, he IS directly and ineffably connected to Conan. It's a perfect storm! And let's not forget the Arnie movie, which probably remains my favourite film because of my age and the time it came out. It struck so many chords. The soundtrack is still a regular play. I'm not reinventing the wheel with my script. It's a classic weird fantasy adventure with epic settings, battles, and magic. I'm keeping the purple prose intros and outros. Conan says, "Crom", and Mitra gets a mention. It's a love letter to the classics, and I hope it'll feel at least a little like a time capsule. Can't wait to share some art down the line! And hopefully, I'll get to paint the cover too! Thanks, all, for the incredible support! Crom, it feels good!!!" and then sharing some new work in progress…
Is Liam Sharp's Savage Sword of Conan coming in 2025? It looks like it…