Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, creators, dc, entertainment, Kevin O'Neill, marshal law, marvel, Pat Mills, Read Em And Weep
Marshal Law Creators Pat Mills And Kevin O'Neill's New Project Read Em And Weep
Pat Mills is the creator of the controversial cancelled Action! comic as well as 2000AD and co-creator of Judge Dredd. Kevin O'Neill's is the co-creator of League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Cinema Purgatorio. Together they created the legendary superhero satire Marshal Law.
And now they have a new takedown of the comic book industry from the people who were there.
Read Em And Weep is a new series of novels by the pair, the first, Serial Killer is out now on Kindle and will premier in print in February at the 2000AD 40th Anniversary Event in Hammersmith in February.
And it begins in the seventies…
THE 1970S.
A dangerous time for kids … An even more dangerous time for the adults who wrong them.
Meet comic book editor Dave Maudling:
The world's laziest and most cowardly serial killer. Actually, he's never killed anyone himself – yet.
Dave has been putting lethal information into his stories, hoping they will result in an early demise for his readers. But something unexpected and wonderful happens: the kids instead use the homicidal details that Dave provides to target their oppressors: abusive adults who believe they are above the law.
Meet Jean, Dave's femme fatale mother.
She's glamorous. She's dangerous. She's dead.
It's a lot of pressure to be under for a liquorice-pipe-chewing, failure-embracing man-child, with a strange obsession with fur. Being blackmailed by a monster from his own childhood doesn't help, either.
But curiously, despite casting himself as Villain in his life story, Dave is actually becoming something of a Hero.
Dave works round the corner from Fleet Street, at Fleetpit Publications, publishers of Britain's most popular magazines. Working with him is girls' comic editor Joy, a beautiful but foul-mouthed Glaswegian who doesn't take any crap and is heroically pursuing her ambition to subvert the world of comics publishing. And fantasist Greg, Dave's assistant editor, who likes to dress as his movie hero of the day and is only sleeping with Joy because he thinks her famous dad will help him get his novel published.
From Pat Mills, Godfather of British comics and creator of 2000AD, and Kevin O'Neill, award-winning artist-creator of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, comes a story of revenge for a lost childhood, of flawed and eccentric characters, strange passions, and arrested development.
If you enjoy savagely funny novels such as Catch-22, The Life And Loves Of A She Devil and High Fidelity, you'll love Serial Killer!
Serial Killer is the first book in a series of four novels about Dave Maudling and contains serious cliffhangers!
Fleapit for Fleetway? Could Dave's comic be what Parliament actually accused Action! of being? You can read a preview here…