Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: marvel, red goblin, vlad kozinkerovozinkerov
Normie Osborn Goes Full Goblin in New Trailer for Red Goblin #1
Goblins. Marvel just can't get enough of 'em. You've got your Green Goblins, your Hobgoblins, your Gold Goblins, your Queen Goblins, your Goblin Queens, your Gerry Duggans, and of course, your Red Goblins. The Red Goblin is Normie Osborn enhanced by his own symbiote, and he's getting his own comic in February. And now, Marvel has released a trailer for Red Goblin #1, displaying the company's usual mastery of visual effects.
Folks, it's your pal Jude Terror, filling in for Rich Johnston, who had to take the day off after eating way too many scones at the Bleeding Cool holiday party. "Bugger off, Terror!" he told us when we suggested he slow down on the scones. "Oi reckon Oi know 'ow many scones Oi can 'handle better 'n you, Oi do!" We tried explaining they weren't keto, but he just kept going. We counted 72 scones by the time he finally passed out, clotted cream dribbling down his chin, muttering, "zzzzzzzzzzzzz pip pip pip pip pip pip, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz pip pip pip pip pip." Anyway, he's out for the day, so we're covering for him.
In the trailer for Red Goblin #1, you can get a glimpse at what ol' Normie is up to in the comic by Alex Paknadel and Jan Bazaldua, as the comic literally comes to life with the most advanced motion comic techniques originally developed for The Electric Company in the 1970s. But who was behind this impressive technological feat? We spoke to the unpaid Marvel intern that put the whole thing together.
"They tell me, Vlad, take pages from Red Goblin comic and make motion comic trailer with a pirated copy of Adobe Premiere," said Vlad Kozinkerov, longtime intern at the House of Ideas. "So that is what I do."
"I wanted to capture mood of comic, which is bleak and frightening, like my childhood in Russia," said Kozinkerov, drawing inspiration from his own life to produce the masterpiece. "I asked for budget to purchase sound effects, so Mr. Cebulski gave me $10. But I sent the money to my sister back in Russia to buy vodka and Iranian drones for her nine children, then made the sound effects with my mouth. Back home, I was considered a master of vocal effects, Russia's answer to Michael Winslow. Whhhoooooosssh! Pew pew! See?"
According to Kozinkerov, he was able to draw on many experiences from childhood in making the trailer for Red Goblin #1. "Creating motion comic trailer is not so different from wrestling bear," Kozinkerov explained. "They each require a certain level of patience, tenacity, and guts. In wrestling bear, you must remain level-headed and understand your opponent's patterns and weaknesses. The same can be said for creating motion comic trailer. You must understand the medium and the technology that goes into creating a convincing animation. It requires patience, attention to detail and being able to think on your feet to make changes when necessary. The stakes in both activities are high, and pressure can be intense. On the surface, the two activities may appear to be disparate, but in reality, they require many of the same skills and courage in order to be successful."
"Also, you must avoid the claws," said Kozinkerov, wincing. "Always avoid the claws."
Red Goblin #1 will hit stores on February 8th. Check out the trailer below.
(W) Alex Paknadel (A) Jan Bazaldua (CA) Inhyuk Lee
Normie Osborn receives his own symbiote at last! As a new Red Goblin, will Normie fulfill his destiny as an Osborn – or will he and his symbiote be able to make a difference for the better?
Rated T+
In Shops: Feb 08, 2023
SRP: $4.99