Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Dave Gibbons, lfcc, london film and comic con, Watchmen
One More for the Emergency Moderator Hologram at LFCC, Dave Gibbons
I am your emergency moderator hologram, what is the nature of the moderation emergency? This week, I am at London Film And Comic Con, it's the last day, I've been drafted in to moderate three panels at the last minute, and I had the 2000 AD panel planned for 1pm today as well. But it seems there is another moderation emergency and I will also be the moderator for the Who Watches Dave Gibbons panel at 3pm today. A career retrospective and a plug for the upcoming book written with LFCC Comic Zone organise Tim Pilcher, I haven't actually read the book. But my plan is to just let Dave speak for 45 minutes without hesitation, repetition and deviation and get out of his way. Double page, double-page, gotta get a double page. I wonder if I should bring up Watchmensch?
1pm: 45 Years of Thrillpower
2000 AD celebrates its 45th birthday with stalwarts from across the decades. Come and find out how 2000 AD has survived and out-lived nearly every single British comic and what lies in store for its future! Dave Gibbons (Dan Dare, Harlem Heroes), John Higgins (Judge Dredd), Chris Weston (Killing Time, Canon Fodder), Rob Williams (Low Life, The Ten-Seconders), and William Simpson (Rogue Trooper). Dave Gibbons will be signing after the panel at 2pm-3pm.3pm Who Watches Dave Gibbons
Dave Gibbons (Watchmen, The Originals, 2000AD, Green Lantern & many more!) discusses his long-awaited autobiography, Confabulation from Dark Horse Comicswith Tim Pilcher and Lew Stringer, [Update: Rich Johnston] and a sneak preview of the book!
So, Bleeding Cool readers, what should I ask him? Feel froe to remote puppet me from wherever in the world you happen to be and post in the comment space below. You never know, I might actually read them and ask the man himself. Dave Ginnons will have nowhere to run!