Comics Archives

Dubai Bans V For Vendetta Mask
The Guy Fawkes mask was a traditional British item, often used to create Guy Fawkes effigies for kids to beg for money with, and to be burnt on bonfires.
No Rom For You
   From Tom Brevoort's Formsping account; TomBrevoort2h via iOS Any chance of Rom returning to marvel comics? Not at the moment, no. Balls. Hey, compare
Deathmatch Profile: George Truman
32 Were Chosen. 31 Will Die. Introducing... George Truman. A powerful and mysterious supervillain has imprisoned the world’s greatest superheroes, forcing
Why You Should Not Despair At Amazing Spider-Man #698 (SPOILERS)
The following article will act as if you have read Amazing Spider-Man #698. If you have not, you may want to look elsewhere, until you have. I think it's a really clever comic and well worth the recommendation. But some of you are going to have real problems with it. And I'm going to explore those - and why this could be a real opportunity for the comic. From here on, there are spoilers. Massive, huge spoilers.
Deathmatch Profile: Unknown
32 Were Chosen. 31 Will Die. Introducing... Unknown. A powerful and mysterious supervillain has imprisoned the world’s greatest superheroes, forcing them