Comics Archives

Monday Trending Topics: Joker's Wild
Greg Capullo said today:"The more I’ve thought about the Joker leak, the more I began thinking that it may have been for the best. The fact is, the way
New Why I Hate Saturn From Kyle Baker
Why I Hate Saturn was one of the first graphic novels that I truly loved, less for the Thelma And Louisish plot, more for the bar dialogue, work that has
Bryan O'Malley's Bluenose Type-O
I received some excited e-mails last night about a surprise, never heard of, upcoming Bryan O'Malley comic called Bluenose Type-O, seen at Comiket in
Joe Kubert Passes, Aged 85
Co-creator of Sergeant Rock, Tor and Ragman, famed for recreating Hawkman, pursuing war comics, founder of the Kubert School, author of Fax from Sarajevo
Checking That Marvel NOW! Checklist
So we knew it would be called Marvel NOW! That we would have Captain America by Rememder and JrJr, Iron Man by Gillen and Land and an X-Men book by Bendis
Deadpool Kills On The Aftermarket
Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe follows on a series of similar books that were kicked off by the original Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe by Garth
Review: Hoax Hunters #2
Louis Falcetti writes for Bleeding Cool; When I first reviewed Hoax Hunters#1 on this site a month ago, I wasn't aware it had existed before it's debut
London Late On The Big Money Olympics
The London Olympic Games is coming to a close. It has been a very controlled media circus, whether that be Mastercard being banned, BBC cameras being