Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates | Tagged: bane, Batman, catwoman, christopher nolan, dark knight rises, film, john blake, joseph gordon levitt
BC Zeitgeist: The Dark Knight Rises Tidbits, Rumors, Photos And Leaks Of The Past Year
Yes, concept blatantly stolen from google, but you get the idea. When I posted The Dark Knight Rises Trailer #3 earlier, I noticed we've been talking about this movie for over a year now. And since we are hurtling towards BC's 3rd anniversary, and have a comic & film dataset that is expanding at lightspeed, I thought it might be worthwhile to take a look at what BC readers have found interesting about this film.
The John Blake Revealed post towers in popularity above the others, and is in fact the most-read post in BC history which does not contain "porn parody" in the title. As you can see, there is plenty of other interest in Joseph Gordon-Levitt's role in the film as well.
I'm slightly surprised that trailer and official poster debuts don't figure more prominently on the list. Because even though they are available from several other outlets, we do post them very quickly, and they always result in an immediate burst of traffic.
But you've seen the posters and trailers already, right? So catch up with what else everybody is reading about The Dark Knight Rises below:
The Dark Knight Rises Plot Thickens: Batman's First Encounter With John Blake Revealed
It has been officially announced that Joseph Gordon Levitt's character in The Dark Knight Rises won't be The Riddler, or Alberto Falcone, or Black Mask but somebody called John Blake. All of those months of unlikely sounding rumours just weren't true – who'd have guessed it?
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Negotiating Role In Dark Knight Rises
We don't know what he'll be doing, or even if he'll have more than a tiny cameo, but the most sharp-dressed man in Inception will be retiming with Chris Nolan for the next Batmovie.
HARDLY A SPOILER: What Bane Does To Batman In The Dark Knight Rises
As work on The Dark Knight Rises continues and more and more people get involved with what must amount to Warner Bros. biggest ongoing project, the trickle of behind-the-scenes information into the ear holes of Bleeding Cool has become faster and heavier.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Dark Knight Rises Role Revealed
I wouldn't call this a spoiler, but you don't like it when I make that decision for you. So, letting the Little Bleeders call the shots, I'm going to open this story with a whole load of filler, pushing the actual content down enough that the news itself won't be on the front page preview.
Will Christopher Nolan Have To Fix The Dark Knight Rises Prologue Before Releasing The Full Film?
Warner Bros. have premiered the first six minutes or so of The Dark Knight Rises while Chris Nolan is still in the process of editing the remainder of the movie.
Official Image Of Catwoman Selina Kyle From The Dark Knight Rises
This image of Anne Hathaway in what would appear to be Catwoman costume is our first official look at Selina Kyle in The Dark Knight Rises. It was released via the film's official site.
The Secret In Catwoman's High Heels And Other Bits Of Dark Knight Business
So, why does Anne Hathaway's Catwoman wear those heels? Is it to tighten her calves, push her bottom backwards and her bosom forwards, accentuating the most notably female facets of her form? Yes, of course it is. But that's not all.
Dark Knight Rises Casting – Tom Hardy As Bane, Anne Hathaway As Catwoman
Warner Bros. have issued a press release with some casting information in respect of Chris Nolan's next Batmovie, The Dark Knight Rises, and so now we know: Tom Hardy's role will be that of Bane; Anne Hathaway has joined the cast as Selina Kyle, who we will presumably also see in the guise of her alter ego, Catwoman.
The Year In Dark Knight Rises Easter Eggs And Clues – Both Real And Imagined
Before we get to the more sensible claims of Easter Eggs and possible clues hidden in the marketing materials for The Dark Knight Rises, let's have a look at a couple of utterly preposterous and truly befuddling bits of conspiracy theory.
The Dark Knight Rises Official Teaser Poster
We've all been anxiously following every tidbit of news and mystery set pic that has come out about The Dark Knight Rises, and finally, here's another big one
The Dark Knight Rises: New Stills, Plot Details, Bat-iPads..
They've splashed a whole bunch of new stills from Chris Nolan's Bat-threequel all over their new issue. And they have a few more story details on the movie too.
Dark Knight Rises Character Return Confirmed
Warner Bros. have "done an AMC" and spoiled one of their own surprises in a piece of internally-developed blurb. I'll run it after this warning.