Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, marvel, relaunch
Friday Trending Topics: Everybody's Talking About… The Marvel Relaunch
Lots and LOTS of Marvel rumors in the air — and great interest in them — in recent days. So many that Rich has made up a checklist, in fact. New books, new creative teams, new number ones? It's that (sdcc) time of year, so we should know for sure soon.
M0st-Read Comic Stories Today:
Will Marvel Now Give Us Uncanny Avengers?
Bleeding Cool has already reported on a new rumoured series, Astonishing Avengers, by Rick Remender and Jerome Opena, replacing Secret Avengers on the Marvel roster, and part of what I'm increasingly hearing refereneces to a Marvel relaunch. More on that later.
Well, look like all our speculation was wrong. It's Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe all over again for the third time… Punisher War Zone begins in October. Just one of an expected line up of new issue ones from Marvel that month….
Rumour Checklist For The Marvel Relaunch
We've been running a number of stories over the last few weeks looking at rumoured new creative teams for existing books, and for new books. The word is that you're going to see a bunch of them start again from issue – but this is not a line wide relaunch in the same fashion as the New 52 – and it won't be a continuity replacement either. You may see a lot of newly designed characters however… it also looks as if it may start in November, if the Captain America timeline is anything to go by.
M0st-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
Edgar Wright Has Wrapped On An Ant Man Test Film… Just In Time For Comic-Con
Edgar Wright did tease that he hoped to film some Ant Man this year, some more Ant Man next year. Well, it seems he was being pretty straight: The Hollywood Reporter have it that Wright has wrapped on a test reel showing of his Ant Man concepts.
The Amazing Spider-Man: The Bleeding Cool Review
The ones us movie review guys really hate are films that are just 'fine'. If a movie doesn't conspicuously reek, but doesn't absolutely rock either, a writer has to work hard to make his review interesting.
Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy Screenwriter Came Up The Disney Inside Track
With Marvel now putting their Guardians of the Galaxy movie into gear for a 2014 release, leaving Black Panther to play catch up, more details of the film are squeaking out ahead of an official announcement at Comic-Con in… well, just over two weeks.