Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: A World Without Heroes, Alex Simmons, Annual Black Comic Book Festival, Black Comic Fest, BlackJack, Comics, entertainment, indie Comics, Matty's Rocket, Naseed Gifted, P.B. Soldier, Ray Felix, Schomburg Center, Tim Fielder
Experiencing The Schomburg Center's Third Annual Black Comic Book Festival In New York City
By Jemal Flores
The 3rd Annual Black Comic Book Festival took place this past weekend, at The Schomburg Center in Harlem New York. The two day event is a showcase for black comic artist from across the United States. This festival has panels, TV show screenings,workshops and comics creators exhibit at tables.
The Main floor was overflowing with attendees. The house was packed with young and old comic book fans. This was an all ages very family friendly event. This was an event for not just comic book fans, but for scholars of Blacks in comics.
There were dozens of artists, writers and publishers who had tables at the festival.
Naseed Gifted's P.B.Soldier is about a man who starts to see visions of an alternate Earth. Issue #1 is out now issue #2 will be out in March on iTunes .
Tim Fielder Artist/Creator of Matty's Rocket follow the retro pulp sci fi adventures in an alternative past with real world issues. Fielder's brother Jim Fielder was at the festival to promote the book.
Alex Simmons creator of BlackJack was swamped by many fans. The long time professional writer, public speaker,and educator. He has written comics for DC and Archie comics.
Ray Felix Director of Bronx Heroes, is also the writer of A World Without Heroes, and was present.
If you would like to know more about the Black Comic Fest follow @schomburgced #BlackComicFestNYC on Twitter, check out and
Here are some more photos of the event:
Jemal Flores is Comic Book Collector, & Charity Cosplayer. He is a fan of all things nerdy. You can follow him @chojinmahn on Twitter.