Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, david finch, dc, dc comics, entertainment, forever evil, geoff johns
Forever Evil #6 Has A Bit Of A Spoiler. And Now This Article Is Full Of Spoiler! (UPDATE x3)
So, today's Forever Evil #6 gives you some answers.
Answers to questions you might have been asking.
"Has it finished it yet" for example. No, not yet, another issue to go. Although this "After Forever" seems to suggest differently, as well as being awkwardly tautological.
"Is David Finch drawing Wonder Woman yet?" Again, not yet, he has another issue of Forever Evil to go.
"What the hell is up with this Blight thing?" Okay there are some questions it can't answer.
But "who is the mysterious stranger with the bag on their head" does get answered. And it's not Shia LaBeouf.
And "what happens to Nightwing, then?" also gets answered. But I don't believe it for a second. And neither will you.
Forever Evil #6 was spoiled on 4chan last night, has been on sale at ComiXology for a few hours and is currently available to purchase at British comic shops, mine was picked up at Orbital Comics, London.
As the day continues, this article will be updated to become more and more spoilery. Expect an update as Midtown Comics opens in New York in two hours, and then again as Earth 2 opens in California in six and a half hours, in accordance with the Dan Slott Protocols currently in place…
But I will give you this for now. My particular favourite panel from Forever Evil #6.
UPDATEx1: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 from 1985 may now be a collectible issue…
Here's the Nightwing situation. Dan DiDio once talked about killing off Nightwing. It was originally planned for an earlier event but DiDio was talked out of it. For the Forever Evil crossover, Nightwing was seen as the central key character in terms of who the series would affect and rumours started that this would see the death of the character. However DiDio denied this to retailers. Then we learned the Nightwing series would cease. And in this month's Forever Evil we get the following scenes;
However, as I said earlier, I'm not buying it…
UPDATE x3: And now the final spoiler. The identity of the hooded man.
Alexander Luthor, son of Lex Luthor, and in Earth 3, the controlled of the power of the council of wizards, not Shazam but Mazahs! First appearance in Crisis Of Infinite Earths #1 in 1985.