Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, paul cornell
Monday Runaround – When Stars Get Starstruck
CookWatch: Anthony Bourdain's Get Jiro cooking graphic novel from DC Vertigo gets a cover.
StarWatch: Paul Cornell talks about being starstruck.
"At Moffat's party the other night, I wanted to thank my host for a tremendous evening, went over to do so, and discovered Matt Smith right beside him. (Not just 'Matt', obviously, I'm referring to him by his full name, it's like those fans who kidnap Peter Davison in that comedy sketch.) So I didn't manage, having shaken Moffat's hand, to turn to Matt and say 'good evening, I don't think we've met, and now I'm on my way home, I'm Paul, and this is my wife, who would love to meet you, and will probably yell at me in a minute if that doesn't happen'. No. Instead I make a sort of strangled gurgle, duck out of his eyeline and haul my wife through the exit door as if we're leaping from a plane."
This sketch, by the way.
FuelWatch: Axel Alonso fuels rumours of a Marvel reboot by trying not to fuel them.
"I'm not only excited about "AvX," but where it leaves the Marvel Universe — the creative opportunities it creates. There's been a lot of speculation online as to whether this will lead to a reboot, and I'm not going to fuel that one way or another!"
DreddWatch: The Judge Dredd game on the iPad goes Free-To-Play.
And BTW guys, you don't need to buy extra stuff to get on. When you inevitably get stuck on Level 8 of the first chapter, buy instant reload for 1000 creds. Then slowly and surely increase the amount of damage the Lawgiver can do as a priority.
JapanWatch: The Japan Times covers relief-raising comics Spirit Of Hope and Aftershock.
WebWatch: Camilla d'Errico and Kurtis J. Wiebe's Sky Pirates Of Neo Terra has launched.
New52Watch: Sterling Gates confirms he was booted off Hawk And Dove in favour of… Rob Liefeld writing the book.
"Rachel Gluckstern, my editor at DC, phoned me up a couple months ago and said they were interested in taking the book in a different direction. As a result, my script to issue six was spiked, and the back half of issue five was rewritten in order to completely clear the decks for Rob's run. Rob came in and co-wrote issue #5's climactic battle with Condor and Swan to help make the transition as smooth as possible."
HealthWatch: The Boston Globe compares Health Reform comic books to Jack Chick tracts. In a good way.