Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, poison ivy, tintin
Monday Runaround – The Hallowe'en And The Ivy
TintinWatch: Brussels gets a walking tour of Tintin.
Indeed, all around us were places relating to Hergé's and other Belgian cartoonists' lives and comic creations. Didier showed us the textile factory that Hergé's father managed and where he met the artist's seamstress mother. It's now the city's archives building.
HalloWatch: Kim Kardashian as Poison Ivy for Halloween. Please, no jokes about bushes needing trimming, okay?
Had enough of those…
ListWatch: Rachel Cooke of the Observer lists ten graphic novels that transcend the medium. Lots of good choices (especially Ethel & Ernest and Alice In Sunderland) but I feel Blankets doesn't do that… and Jimmy Corrigan would have made a better choice. And Tomine over Clowes?
I think he'd balk at that. What do you think?
ZeldaWatch: Viz puts out a ten volume set of manga Zelda, to coincide with the release of The Skyward Sword. But they are of a limited number…
ZodWatch: Entertainment Weekly talks to Michael Shannon.
I don't read the comic book, although when I got the job, they sent me a giant DC Comics book that weighs about a ton. It's got the whole history of DC in it. It's fascinating, actually. I looked at it with my daughter. She's really fascinated by it.
BatWatch: John Babos worries about continuity.
"However, when in issue #1 of Detective Comics we have a facial scalped Joker as the key hook in the book, why exactly would the Joker be hearty and hale in Batman: The Dark Knight #2, one month later? While some editorial gaffes might help advance Bruce Wayne's playboy persona, namely all of the women he had sex with and/or made dates with in September 2011, the Joker plot point / misstep seems a bit glaring. Why do the writers all have to feature Joker and Two-Face in some capacity in their books?"
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
An Open Letter to the Leadership of the Writers Guild of America, West and East (re: Gerry Conway)
This state of affairs has been the dirty laundry of the comics industry since the beginning, but it was recently brought to the forefront of my attention when long-time comics and television writer (and Guild member) Gerry Conway tweeted derisively about being approached by Disney-owned Marvel Entertainment to be recognized "officially" (by their own secret internal policy) as the creator of a character called "Mindworm", a character that has not appeared in a single Marvel comic book since 2008, and will likely never be the subject of any theatrical motion pictures or television shows.
ABC's talk show The View will host their annual "spooky Halloween spectacular" episode this Monday, and who better to have as a guest than the creator of the hottest horror property around, Robert Kirkman.
New York Set
'Chronicles of Riddick' Sequel Shut Down — No Money, Mo' Problems |
Vin Diesel's comeback as an ass-kicking ex-con from the future is on hold … because production on the new "Chronicles of Riddick" movie has been shut down over some serious cash flow issues.
Heidi Klum at Tao for Halloween
news from me – ARCHIVES – October 30, 2011
The second installment has been posted of my three-part chat with my pals Paul Dini and Misty Lee. It's their popular weekly podcast, Radio Rashy, which you can hear at their website or on iTunes or many other places. In this chapter, we talk about some of my encounters with great magicians and I tell the tale of how I met my longtime friend and collaborator, Sergio Aragonés. It's fun and it's free.