Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: action lab, Comics, Daniel Arruda Massa, entertainment, Holy F*ck, Nick Marino
Orbital In Conversation: Holy F*ck… It's Those Guys!
By Chris Thompson
[audio:]After last week's London Super Comic Con Special (which you can still listen to here), this time I'm back with Nick Marino & Daniel Arruda Massa to discuss the madness of Holy F*ck from Action Lab's Danger Zone imprint.
We're joined by my colleague Tom for a chaotic four-way Skype chat in which we discuss how the guys started working together, the magic of Peter Cooke & Dudley Moore, what the reception to the book has been like, which Robocop is better & and so much more!
And never fear, you can still enjoy the Pop Culture Hound back-catalogue right here, as we continue to put out the same quality interviews and discussion with Orbital in Conversation going forward. It's only gonna get better, folks!
To get in touch, send feedback or submit projects for consideration, please email And if you missed last week's episode (or any others) you can find them right here or subscribe via iTunes. You can also support the Orbital in Conversation podcast by clicking here to make a donation. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and will help us maintain the site, get new equipment, and encourage us to keep going on those cold lonely nights.
Chris Thompson's Twitter: @popculturehound
Chris Thompson's website:
Orbital Comics' Twitter: @orbitalcomics
Orbital Comics' website:
Nick Marino's Twitter: @nickmarino
Nick Marino's website:
Daniel Arruda Massa's Twitter: @darrudamassa
Daniel Arruda Massa's website: