Posted in: Recent Updates | Tagged: marvelman, miracleman
SPOILERS: That's One Dead Avenger – Siege #2
Okay that's the spoiler space over.
Now we knew there was a dead Avenger coming. The solicitations have been full of it, dire warnings about an upcoming Avenger death. Something called Fallen, it's name ready to be changed on release of this important twist, and possibly the point on which the Marvel Universe turns, and heads towards unicorns and rainbows in The Heroic Age.
But I didn't realise it would be a Dark Avenger. Didn't Moore do this in WildCATS?
Anyway, this is the way Ares, God Of War dies in Siege #2. Not with a bang but with a ripper.
What this means for the new Ares series, who knows. Maybe it's a retrospective. Maybe it's a solicitation red herring.
But is this just me or is this a scene more expected in the likes of Black Summer, No Hero, Bratpack, Maximortal or Marvelman? Even The Authority never went quite this far.
Now… anyone for spaghetti bolognaise?