Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: comcis, kids, marvel, neil gaiman, neil patrick harris
Sunday Runaround – The Marvel Brothel
Comics4Kids1 : Bam! Kerpow! Comics Are Not Just For Adults!
There are even child-friendly comic books now being made for elementary students, Warren said.
As you raise a new generation of cosplayers, that is…
Comics4Kids2: Libraries too…
"They're the best hope for getting kids to read, in my opinion," Weston said on a recent evening at the Campbell County Library's Timbrook branch. "They're visual. It's in the medium that kids are used to."
Weston and Garbee feel so strongly about this that they've started the Campbell County Comic Book Association, which meets the third Thursday of each month (6:30 p.m.) at the Timbrook library.
Comics4Kids3: The Marvel Brothel. That's right, a brothel role playing game using Marvel characters. I suppose it was inevitable.
PokeWatch: Arceus voted most popular Pokemon in Japan. Pikachu pushed back to fourth place…
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
Midwest Mom Mistakes Neil Gaiman for Neil Patrick Harris
A woman named April Roller may be one of the last remaining souls on earth to not know who Neil Gaiman is, but that's okay with Neil — he simply charmed her over to his side.
Today's comic should speak on its own behalf, yet I'm beginning to think it's more impressive to count the properties Millar has written that aren't optioned for film.
spoonblog: Happy Carl Sagan Day 2010
It's been a hectic year, and a rewarding one; as I was writing last year's entry, I was beginning to form Signal in my mind (I really had no idea I'd been working on it that long), and now it's finished and printed! It literally wouldn't have happened without the influence I got from watching Cosmos and reading Sagan's books.
Yfrog Photo Shared by AH_AdamHughes
Next sketch…
How to Transform Manga Into Movie Mega-Bucks – The Hollywood Reporter
"If it's just a movie based on a toy, you could end up with something like the Stretch Armstrong movie," said Murphy, referring to a forthcoming film that's drawn some skeptical attention as it's based on another Hasbro toy from the 1970s that had no TV series behind it.
The science of Godzilla, 2010 : Tetrapod Zoology
Godzilla is virtually impervious to other gigantic monsters, and also to robots, artillery, laser blasts, lava and fire. Not real. Sorry about that. But by posing questions about fictional entities we can still learn stuff, and you may be surprised to learn that Godzilla has, on occasion, been discussed semi-seriously by various biologists and palaeontologists.
Litchfield man draws attention of notables in the comic book industry | Cit
Over the past two decades, Skelton has quietly sculpted, cast and finished anything that has captured his imagination in the comic book world. He made a lightweight model of the Samaritan, the gun belonging to the big, red-skinned superhero Hellboy. The Eye of Agamatto, the mystical amulet that gives lesser-known Marvel Comics superhero Doctor Strange all his power, was cast awhile back in resin and coated in gold. He has a few of Batman's batarangs lying around. He was even commissioned by Joe Hill, a comic book writer, author of several novels and son of Stephen King, to create a key that's led to a series of collectible keys for Hill's successful comic book series "Locke & Key."
Unemployed Superhero Shows His Comic Book
Mission resident Erich Origen was in full costume as Unemployed Man at Dolores Park this afternoon. He was showing off a graphic novel, Adventures of Unemployed Man, the 80-page book he co-wrote with Gan Golan and released in October. The two are also the authors of New York Times bestseller Goodnight Bush, a parody of the children's book Goodnight Moon.