Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: dabel brothers, devil's due, marvelman, miracleman, platinum studios, rick olney, wowio, zenescope
The Tenth Annual Rumour Awards – BEST LACK OF PAYMENT
Despite the recession, this was one of the better years for people owed money and there were no major comics bankruptcies.
Zenescope went from being one the bigger non payers to one of the companies taking steps to pay back what was due.
Devil's Due committed to paying back people too, setting out their case.
Even Wowio committed to paying people back after it was pushed out of Platinum.
The Dabels seemed to have some of the biggest debts around but Dynamite stepped in and offered to pay, well, some of them at least.
Even Ross Rojek came back without incident, Wizard sorted out a lost charity payment, Moose Baumann and Mel Smith worked things out and Pat Lee didn't seem to screw anyone over.
So the Not Paying Award goes to the one, the only, Rick Olney who, despite owing at least $35,000 to comic creators has so far, as much as we can tell, only paid back $100. And despite much sound and fury about paying so much, it came, as was probably expected, to nothing.
This year we heard about the return of some favourites. Marvel announcing they'd bought Marvelman, teasing us with the prospect of bringing back the original Moore/Leach/Davis/Dixon/Totleben/Gaiman/Buckingham run.
Then Dark Horse not only collected the previously published Beanworld but gave us an entirely new volume, with more to come.
We finally got the lesbian Batwoman we always wanted in Detective Comics. Finally getting Kathy Kane, the lesbian Batwoman in her own title years after The Rumour Awards first announced it was a good start, but little did we know just how good a comic book it would be.
But we're still waiting for Valerie D'Orazio's Cloak And Dagger. And Ambush Bug 6 caught caught up in inter-DC fighting and Jann Jones' departure.
But the abscence of the end of Top Ten Series Two is shocking! Shocking I tell you! Shocking! Win.