Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: dan fogler, dean haspiel, Forbidden Planet NYC, House of Twelve, Kim Deitch, mike cavallaro, Moon Lake, NYC Comic Jam!, paul pope, Scott Eder Gallery, The Fox
Things To Do In New York This Week If You Like Comics
Monday December 2nd
The sixty-ninth meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium will be held on Monday, December 2, 2013 at 7:00 PM at Parsons The New School, 2 West 13th Street, in the Bark Room (off the lobby). The event is free and open to the public.
Brian Dewan will present on his work with the filmstrip: a simple medium customarily used for educational purposes for most of the twentieth century. It delivers a cinematic experience without a moving picture. The I-CAN-SEE filmstrips (script, pictures and music by Brian Dewan) employ an unseen narrator's recorded voice punctuated with music, sound effects and a periodic signal-tone which instructs the projectionist to advance the hand-cranked filmstrip projector. Color illustrations projected a single frame at a time unspool in the time honored tradition of the once ubiquitious educational strips screened in classrooms and school cafeterias for most of the twentieth century. Ranging from unexpurgated folk and religious stories to modern treatises on historical, scientific and theological subjects, titles include "Before the White Man Came," "The Course Of Your Research," "Obey Signals," "The Death Of The Hen," "Deuteronomy" and "The Tide Waits For No Man."
Wednesday December 4th
After the incredibly successful, sell-out launch of Archie and Red Circle's The Fox #1, by Dean Haspiel and Mark Waid, the freak magnets are back at it again. This time Dean Haspiel is bringing along the artist for the issue #2 variants, Paul Pope (100 Percent, Batman Year 100, Heavy Liquid) and Michael Cavallaro (Parade w/ Fireworks, Cartoon Network Action Pack, Toy Story) whose SHIELD back up story is featured in issue #2. Purchase of The Fox #2 is required to take part in the event, with a limit of 5 items per customer to be signed. JHU Comics is located on 32 East 32nd Street in New York, and the event will run from 6-8PM.
Wednesday December 4th
Wednesday night at 7pm Dan Fogler, actor, comedian and executive writer/producer of the Moon Lake anthology graphic novels from Archaia will be signing copies of the series' brand new volume at Forbidden Planet in NYC. Forbidden Planet NYC is located at 823 Broadway in New York.
Friday December 6th
On Friday, December 6th, the Scott Eder Gallery will host the opening reception for underground comix legend Kim Deitch's new exhibit, running through January 25th, from 6-9PM. The exhibit and event will feature art, prints, books, T-shirts, and Kim Deitch himself. The Scott Eder Gallery is located at 18 Bridge Street in Brooklyn, New York.
Friday December 6th
Now in its 12th year, the NYC Comic Jam! is gathering on Friday December 6th from 7:30-11:00PM at Jack Dempsey Pub. It is open to the public and free to attend. The event serves New York's indie comics community to "get drunk and draw comics". Jack Dempsey is located on 36 W 33rd Street in New York City. The event is sponsored by House of Twelve, which is a comic art collective founded in the fall of 2001. Their current project is 'House of Twelve Monthly' a digital series available for mobiles via Comixology's Comics app.