Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: christopher nolan, dark knight rises, film, superman
Tuesday Trending Topics: This Is Not The Superman Symbol You Are Looking For
Although I kinda think it might be. And regardless, it's a fun theory. It wouldn't require Christopher Nolan's or WB's knowledge at all, it'd just require an artist or designer who wanted to slip a little extra juice in there with plausible deniability. These things do happen. But I suppose we'll never know.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
No, The Superman Logo Isn't Hidden In The New Batman Poster, But Anyway
Here's the poster for you to scrutinise, and then I'll show you where the Superman S is meant to be.
The Dark Knight Rises Official Teaser Poster
We've all been anxiously following every tidbit of news and mystery set pic that has come out about The Dark Knight Rises, and finally, here's another big one — the teaser poster from
James Franco Isn't Doing Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes Any Favours
Since James Franco plunged right into the Harmony Korine-infested deep end, I stopped having any personal interest in his judgment, much less trusting it. Nonetheless, his recent comments on Rise of the Planet of the Apes don't seem designed to help promote the film and this at least made me sit forward, expecting some kind of PR traffic accident.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Oh, So The Mighty Are Spinning Off In Their Own Series In December?
The latest Marvel teaser for something new in December, being announced at the Fear Itself Panel on the Sunday of San Diego Comic Con is making things clearer. Iron Fist, Dr Strange, both members of The Mighty in upcoming issues of Fear Itself… which will be finished in December. So is this a book spinning out of it featuring these folk? And who will be next in the teasers?
Preview: X-Men Schism #1 – Kid Omega Vs President Ahmadinejad
Published in USA Today, the current go-to-spot for publisher friendly mass media comics coverage, a preview of the first issue of X-Men Schism #1 by Jason Aaron and Carlos Pacheco. And it all gets rather political…
Lee Bermejo Vs Lex Luthor's Lies
Bleeding Cool understands that creator Lee Bermejo has called for the latest Italian print run of the recent Lex Luthor: Man of Steel collection to be withdrawn from sale.
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