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Red Hulk Returns In Sam Wilson: Captain America Marvel Series in 2025

The Red Hulk Returns in an new Sam Wilson: Captain America series coming from Marvel in 2025

Article Summary

  • The Red Hulk returns in the new Sam Wilson: Captain America comic book series starting January 2025.
  • Writers Greg Pak and Evan Narcisse team up with artist Eder Messias for this exciting release.
  • Sam Wilson uncovers a sinister plot disguised as a tech venture, leading to a clash with Red Hulk.
  • The series explores Sam's dual role as a social worker and superhero, navigating the American Dream and Captain America legacy.

Well, there is a film coming out so, why not. Writers Greg Pak and Evan Narcisse and artist Eder Messias are launching a new Sam Wilson: Captain America comic book series starting in January!

"The new series sets Captain America on a collision course with the Red Hulk after the Winged Avenger uncovers a nefarious plot parading itself as a new tech venture. As both a social worker and a super hero, Sam will reckon with his legacy as Captain America in this super spy thriller. Series writers Greg Pak and Evan Narcisse sit down with to reveal further details about SAM WILSON: CAPTAIN AMERICA and its first arc, "Better Angels".

"Working with Evan on this book has been an absolute dream. We've spent hours sharing big ideas, finishing each other's thoughts, and cackling out loud over the story we're cooking up. Seeing the pages roll in from Eder has been absolutely mind-blowing," shares Pak.

"It's going to be a fun, fast, high-octane adventure that also explores what it means to feel locked out of the American Dream. I feel pretty confident in saying Sam's never flown through skies like these before," says Narcisse.

When explaining his thoughts on the character, he adds: "One of the great things about Sam Wilson is that he straddles the line between everyman and super hero in classic Marvel fashion. The core of "Better Angels" will explore how he navigates that tension and how he and others have expanded the symbolism of the Captain America legacy in a very different way."

"We're pulling out all the stops to tell a story that matters, that goes deep into what it means for a Black social worker from Harlem to pick up the shield – and put on those wings! – while delivering massive action and thrills in the grand tradition of Marvel super spy science fiction," explains Pak. "I particularly love how grounded the book is with characters like Sam's fast-talking cousin Billie, my new favorite character ever, while taking to the sky in ways you've never seen! And yes, that's a big tease! Don't you dare miss it!"

"When Captain America attends a birthday party for Isaiah Bradley, he catches wind of a new tech venture that sounds too good to be true: magnificent floating platforms in the sky, where the disenfranchised can apply for land grants and establish their own farms. But after Sam discovers the organization's dark underbelly, he'll have to tangle with its head of security: Red Hulk!"

Red Hulk Returns In New Sam Wilson Series From Marvel in 2025
On Sale January 2025

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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