Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, si spurrier
REmake/REmodel: Deep Sea Danny's Iron Fish
Si Spurrier's instructions;
This one comes courtesy of the memories of comedian Frankie Boyle, whose comicky talk at KAPOW! persuaded me he's not the one-note controversy-goblin I was expecting, but a smart and very cosmic human.
Way back in 1949 the world – at least, the prepubescent, British, male comics-reading parts of it – were introduced to Danny Gray: a ginger-beer-swilling delinquent with an überscientist father. A father whose genius-level intellect for some reason didn't prevent him cockwittedly decided A Fucking Enormous Spike-tipped Murderous Icthyoid Submersible would be an appropriate birthday present for his plucky 12-year-old spawn.
Over the years that followed Danny's adventures in said warweapon "would include encounters with loch monsters, web-footed Fish Men on mysterious islands, pygmies and giants, and nefarious enemies like Captain Sun, who attempted to hijack the Iron Fish, an evil Birdman, and the gigantic hornets under the control of Insect Man."
There's just too much delightful campery and traditional oldskool endangerment-of-minors here for us to ignore. So let's bring Danny into the Today. What marvellous machine – what piscine wonder – would his deranged Da create for him now? And what would compel the loony old fucker to dispatch his own son to face… well… the crappest-named villains in the world?
Full thread is here. And the new one – which is splendidly Political – has already opened. Artists amateur and pro alike are invited to come have a play.