Posted in: Comics | Tagged: censorship, comics censorship, graphic novels
Saga, Sin City and Before Watchmen Banned in Louisiana Prisons
The Times-Picayune of Louisiana has published the results of a public records request for printed material banned by the Louisiana Department of Corrections.
They include comic books such as Frank Miller's Sin City, Daniel Clowes' Ghost World, James O'Barr's The Crow, volumes of Before Watchmen, the comic book version of Django Unchained, I Vampire, Saga as well as graphic novel adaptations of A Game Of Thrones (and the original novels too) as well as how-to-draw books such as Draw Manga Now, Manga – Crash Course, Manga For Beginners, Manga Monster Book, Incredible Comic Book Women, as they often include figure images not fully clothed, or what may be considered suggestive poses to demonstrate how muscles, fat and bones move. The paper states that books on how to draw figures and cartoons aren't allowed because they feature nude or near-nude images.
The paper quotes the Communications Director Ken Pastorick saying 'Books that could be seen as divisive or provocative, those are the kinds of things we don't want in our institutions" including "Racially inflammatory material or material that could cause a threat to the offender population, staff and security of the facility" saying "We don't want to stir anything in people."
The paper reported an ACLU lawyer Bruce Hamilton as saying the government body 'has taken it upon itself to ban hundreds of books and magazines on a vast array of topics – from health and wellness to current events – going far beyond what is necessary for security. This level of censorship is unjustified, unacceptable and totally at odds with the Department's mission and obligations to the people of Louisiana.'
No mention of Bitch Planet being banned but it's only a matter of time… you can see the whole list here.
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