Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen's return to Robin & Batman: Jason Todd #1 in June 2025
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, Contest of Champions, entertainment, marvel
So Who Is That Marvel Contest Of Champions Between?
Catching up with a few bits and pieces I missed while at San Diego Cmic Con. Such as a breakdown of some of the characters appearing in Marvel's upcoming Contest Of Champions
- Outlaw, the British Punisher, who hasn't been seen since the early nineties.
- The newly created character, Guillotine,
- The Cystalcatraz – okay no idea.
- Joe Fixit, the grey Hulk-turned-gangster heavy from Peter David's run on the book.
- Sentry, the Paul Jenkins/Jae Lee Superman analogue who has been missing for some time.
- The Eddie Brock version of Venom.
- White Fox, the Korean-created member of the Avengers, much promised to be a part of regular Avengers continuity.
- The Daredevil as seen in Shadowland, in charge of the Hand and Hell's Kitchen.
- Devil Hydrasaur – a new Hydra-inclined version of Devil Dinosaur. There's a lot of him about right now.
Looking like a fun book. Also to quote "Plus, for what may be the first time in Marvel's long history, we visit the dangerous, forbidden realm of excitement known as Yorkshire".
I'm from Yorkshire, folks. Looks like something to celebrate at this year's Thought Bubble convention in Leeds…

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