Bleeding Cool scooped the news on DC's follow-up to their international anthologies Batman: The World and Joker: The World, with Superman: The World, a
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: agents of shield, Comics, ebay, graviton, marvel
Speculator Corner: Avengers #158 – First Appearance Of Graviton From Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
A few months ago, this was a dollar comic.
Then we found out a certain "Graviton" would appear in Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now it seems he'll be hanging around…
So eBay gets to work. A VF/NM gets you $30.. A VF- is getting bids of 10.
Certainly, whether you are a retailer or a customer, might be worth checking what's in your longboxes…

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