Posted in: Comics, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, dc, marvel, mitt romney, tattoo
Sunday Runaround – Breasts, Fairies, Tattoos, Serial Killers And Mitt Romney
PresidentWatch: Cartoonists for Romney, apparently an unaffiliated, pro-Romney cartoonist resource…
FinchWatch: We wrote about how Canadian artist David Finch was denied access to Manila after it was discovered his passport only had six months left on it. The Canadian government intervened and a week later, Finch flew!
He is also doing some work for a revived DC series called Dial H for Heroes.
"It's about this guy, who, when he gets into trouble, runs to a phone booth and changes into whatever character channels through him," Finch says, wondering if the Cartoon Network series Ben 10 was influenced by it, because of a similar premise.
DahmerWatch: Autobiographical comics with a killer difference;
Writer and artist John "Derf" Backderf's latest book, about his high school years alongside a fellow student named Jeffrey, is receiving high acclaim. The book is called My Friend Dahmer, and it's a sensitive and considered account of what it's like to grow up with Jeffrey Dahmer, then an Ohio teen, but later known to the world as an horrific serial killer. The story stops before Dahmer's first murder, and the book focuses on the environment that the author came of age in, and the ways it shaped both him and his disturbed classmate.
FairyWatch: Here's the Humberto Ramos' colour cover for the French edition of Fairy Quest from Glenat.
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
Lets look at how many exclamation points the man really uses. This data is analyzing 10055 tweets. This is excluding any retweets and includes as much twitter history as the API allows. Data is refreshed every 30 minutes
It's A Dan's World: LEE BERMEJO! The Ultimate Batman, Wolverine And Daredevil Back Tattoo
Now that's a level of needlepoint artistry that has to drive you Arkham level insane, if you're not the patient type – but boy what a result! If anything's going to give back-stabbers second thought, it'd be this.
More DC apparel: Wonder Woman and Supergirl bikinis | The Beat
And if you favor a star-spangled posterior, Spencer Gifts has just the stuff for you: Wonder Woman and Supergirl bikinis.
Superheroes save the day financially –
Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk and the rest are together again in a new comic book adventure called "Avengers: Saving the Day." But this is no ordinary comic book. In fact, it's suitable school reading material. In this Avengers story, not only do the good guys battle Mole Man and his subterranean monster heavies during an attempted bank heist; they also learn about personal finance and money skills.
Thoughts About An Artist's Passing
The next time I spoke with Geoff, I was more collected and asked if I might know who his artist friend was. The artist's name was Fran Matera.
Sneak Peek: AvX: VS #1 | Marvel Heroes | Comic News | News |
Marvel is proud to present your first look at AVX VS #1, the explosive, high-octane action packed tie-in to the hotly-anticipated blockbuster event of the year–Avengers VS. X-Men
After he briefly mentioned projects he's working on with Kevin Hart, Omar Epps, and even Tom Cruise, T.I. dropped the real bombshell, "There is a Marvel Comics franchise that has been inquiring about my availability for quite some time…I will not let any cats out of any bags prematurely, however there is a Marvel Comics franchise that has been requesting my availability."